part 2

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Riansh's Room.

"Ridhima you take care of yourself and the ba"he stopped realising what he was about to say.

"You can say whatever you wanted to".

"No Ridhima I was saying take care because it's better for you"Vansh came up with a lame word while Ridhima smiled looking at him.

"Ouch"she winced holding her stomach while Vansh immediately came near her .

"What happen , is the baby fine ?" He asked worriedly caressing her belly.

"Why are you worried no ,you don't want a baby or you do?" Ridhima said raising an eyebrow with a smirk while Vansh understood that she was playing with him.

"Ridhima You".

"Vansh beta why was the doctor here ?"asked dadi who entered with another family members.

"Dadi the doctor was a gynaecologist ,she used to check me"Ishani said keenly.

"Why was gynaecologist here ?"asked chachi while Ridhima and Vansh both kept their heads down .

"I understood why the doctor was here (said dadi taking a seat beside Ridhima )kyuki mera vansh baap banne wala hai "Dadi said and hugged Ridhima while Angre and Sia were happy along with Dadi but Ishani ,Aryan and Chachi were burning with rage and insecurity.

"Vansh bhai wow ,aap toh bohot tez nikle ,kyu bhabi?"said Sia winking at Ridhima while Ridhima blushed while Vansh glared her.

"Ok ok now leave the couple alone ,they might need some privacy "Dadi said after blessing Ridhima and everyone left them alone.

"Vansh tomorrow is my sonography will you come with me ?".

"Vansh Raisinghania never steps back from his duty . I will come with you but that doesn't mean that I want the baby .Is that clear to you "He said and left while Ridhima smiled.

"Today you are calling it duty , tomorrow you will call it responsibility and one day you will call it your love .Your love will accept our child Vansh it's a mother's promise to her child.".

Night .

Riansh were sleeping. Vansh was  sleeping his back facing Ridhima .
Ridhima woke up not feeling his touch.

"Vansh Vansh wake up Jaan "Ridhima was continuously calling him and he finally woke up.

"What happen sweetheart?"Vansh asked in a sleepy voice.

"Your baby is so stubborn even more than you "she said with a pout while he smiled a little.

"So why is my ba .I mean your baby telling you "Vansh asked with a yawn .

"First of all its your baby too I didn't made it alone ,and secondly he has your taste wants meethi baat "Ridhima said while Vansh's Jaw drop.

"Come on Ridhima,it's 1.30 A.M. try you understand "Vansh pleaded her making a puppy face.

"It's your baby ,talk to him he might listen to you "Ridhima said while Vansh was very confused.

"H..Hiii B.Baby"he finally said bending to her stomach caressing it lightly with his hands .

Riddhima's P.O.V.

Vansh for our child even if I had to do anything I will do and it's toh just an act of fake craving. I don't  want anything but only you love for our child . These small gestures of making you talk with the baby will definitely connect you and I also know that you already loves the baby it's just that you are hiding something.

P.O.V. ends.

"Baby try to understand .It's too late ,how will Pa.Papa get meethi baat for you . If you want chocolate I can get them ,but meethi baat .Baby please . I have to go tomorrow for office too ."Vansh was talking in a way as if the baby was literally sitting infront of him and he was convincing him. While Ridhima was in awe and was continuously caressing Vansh's hair .

"Vansh you are great "Ridhima exclaimed with joy .

"What happen ? I already know it "Vansh said with a confidence .

"I'm not feeling like eating Meethi baat anymore . Looks like the baby understands his father very much"

"I already knew that my baby will listen to me (he said kissing her belly) he loves papa so mu"but stopped realising what he was doing . He again adjusted himself on the pillow and turned his back to Ridhima .

"But Baby Raisinghania wants something else"she said nudging his back.

"What now ?".

"He wants his papa to hug him and then sleep "Ridhima said with a pout while Vansh smiled and pecked her lips . He then hugged her tightly burying his face in her neck.

"Vansh I'm feeling very hot "Ridhima said sweating.

"Remove this nighty and then sleep "he said with a smirk .

"Shut up , you open your shirt and give it to me , remove the my nighty and make me wear your shirt ".

"As you say maam ".

Vansh sat on the bed and in a swift move removed her nighty . His fingers traced down from her forehead to cheeks,lips ,neck , cleavage,breast and all the parts .Vansh kissed all the parts of her body while Ridhima was moaning .It was becoming very hard for him to control his desires seeing her laying infront of him naked  but he stopped himself .He opened his shirt and made her wear it. After making her wear the shirt he adjusted himself beside her and hugged her while Ridhima was moving her hands on his bare back . She kissed his chest and immediately bit him leaving a mark there .Vansh smiled at his little lioness .
He also bit her .After making out for sometime both of them slept with smile in each other's embrace forgetting about all the tensions between them .


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