part 10

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"Dadda don't love us .He is bad . No momma . I hate him. He slapped you . He is bad"Riansh shouted while crying while Ridhima tried to pacify him.Vansh who was outside heard everything and was sitting with a numb face hearing word hate from his son's mouth .
"No baby ,dada is not bad he loves us alot.He was just playing a prank with you . He he..ask.asked me to have a fa.fake fight with him. "Ridhima said her own tears falling freely.

"No you're lieing momma".

"No baby I'm saying the truth".

"Then why he slapped you?"Riansh asked with an innocent face .

while Ridhima went speechless on this question and sat on the bed with a thud not knowing what she should say in defence of Vansh she started crying loudly Rihu not able to see her tears jumped on her lap and hugged her tightly wiping his tears with the back of his small palms .Ridhima also hugged him tightly.

"Momma ,next time I'll protect you from him I'm your strong baby na . He won't slap you next time .I promise you momma I really love you not like dadda who lies because he don't love you".
"See what sin you have done ,your own son who loved you to the moon and back is now feeling unsafe around you and he he said he will protect Ridhima my Ridhima from me whom I can't even think of giving a Scratch. Today my lifelines are feeling insecure around me . You should die Vansh ,you always promise them happiness but end up giving them immense pain .you don't deserve to live Vansh you must die . You have hurted those innocent souls too much .You should die. They loved you so much and you destroyed everything with your own hands.You are loser Vansh . "thought vansh and broke the vase that was kept on a table he picked one piece of the broken vase and scratched his hand with that .

"This hand doesn't deserve to be fine ,this hand caused pain to my Ridhima , she is defending you there so that Rihu doesn't hate you but you slapped her with this hand , this hand should be destroyed,now I'll destroy it "he said and started scratching his hand more with the glass piece while blood oozing out of his hand .

With pain and exertion because of continuously crying the three of them slept with a heavy heart but peace has been taken out from their lives.

After Few Hours.

Ridhima opened her eyes and felt some weight on her lap.She saw Riansh sleeping on her lap with a sad face. Dry tear marks were still present on his face . She caressed his chubby cheeks with her hand and while tears were continuously falling down her eyes .

"No I won't let this innocent soul suffer anymore , Vansh can do bad with me but I won't let this child suffer . He is his blood he can't destroy my baby's childhood. I never thought oneday I'll have to stop Vansh from destroying my Rihu's childhood ( crying). But I still can't believe m.vansh can do anything like this but he himself is proving me wrong. but before this fight he was crying so much in my arms.He was broken .He was saying sorry . I know he can never slap me it was just a reflex but I need him to rectify so that he never tries to do this again . I know something is very very wrong that has made him so helpless that he is not able to share anything with me . But if he really loves that Ahana I'll let him live with her (wiping her tears). I'm not the weak Ridhima anymore ,I'm a mother if i can bring a life into this world I can do anything for the rights of that life, for my rights.MsAhaana now you will face my wrath. It's A promise of Mrs. Ridhima Vansh Raisinghania .You will spill the beans of truth yourself without any effort of mine .Rihu baby I promise you either we will get your dad back or just our rights but in between you won't suffer at all my baby I love you.".

Ridhima adjusted Rihu's head on pillow and opened the room's door . She saw blood droplets on the floor and broken vase , it didn't took her a moment to realise that what could have happened moments ago but this time she decided to ignore him as much as possible so that his idiot brain will land on a correct track.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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