part 6

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Its been hours since Vansh had been told the truth by Siya .He didn't had any courage left to face Ridhima.Realising that it was the time for Ridhima's medicines and lunch too he went to his room and saw Ridhima sleeping on the floor he cursed himself for scolding her .He went near her and lightly patted her cheeks . After trying for a few minutes. He panicked on not getting any response from her and threw few drops of water. Ridhima opened her eyes weakly while Vansh took a sigh of relief.She

" my is"Ridhima said with difficulty while Vansh carried her to the bed.At first she tried to free herself from his hold but after feeling weakness she decided to give up , resting her head on his chest .

"Ridhima hear drink some water ."he said panicking and helped her to have water .

"Vansh I need to go to washroom".

"Come let me take you"said Vansh carrying her to the washroom.

"Where are you coming?"Ridhima asked him .

"Coming with you inside the washroom"Vansh said as the matter of fact and marched forward.

"You can't come in ,is that clear ?"Ridhima said sternly.

"Why ? I'm coming (realising why she stopped him.) Excuse me ladai ek taraf , there's nothing to hide , I have watched everything n not only watched I have done many things too"Vansh said teasing her while Ridhima blushed and pushed him out of the washroom.

Vansh was standing outside the washroom waiting for her to come out .

Vansh's P.O.V.

I need to apologise to Ridhima .She is pregnant and I'm everyday hurting her.
Doctor said that the baby is weak and I can't risk my Ridhima's and baby's life.
I have to make her happy anyhow.

"Vaaaannnnnnssshhhh"Ridhima shouted bringing Vansh out of his thought process.

"What happened Ridhima is everything fine."Vansh said and barged into washroom.

"No, no nothing.nothing is fine .Our baby "Ridhima said and started crying.

"What happened ? Ridhima ,what happened to our baby ? Ridhima u r scaring me now "Vansh said panicking while Ridhima hugged him tightly.

"Vansh I'm bleeding"Ridhima said while Vansh felt his world coming onto a halt.

"How , is that possible ? I'm mean you are pregnant"Vansh said trying to come on a conclusion.

"When the foetus is weak it happens. I'm very scared . Is my baby fine or not ?"Ridhima sobbing while Vansh calmed her rubbing her back. Ridhima passed out in his arms.

"Ridhima ,Ridhima wake ,wake up"


"Mr.Raisinghania these kind of things are normal in pregnancy. But your baby is weak ,I told you earlier to .Much bleeding can cause miscarriage too. For the time being I have added few medicines in her medication. You have to make her stress-free."the gynaecologist suggested while Vansh nodded his head .

"Now I'll take a leave ."

"Thanks doc".Vansh smiled the doctor and she left.

""Ridhima mumbled in her sleep while Vansh sat beside her caressing her hair.Ridhima smiled in her sleep feeling his touch in her sleep.


Ridhima woke up feeling extremely exhausted. She felt a weight on her chest. He lifted her head to see Vansh sleeping innocently on her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair while he cuddled more into her . His bearded tickled her chest . She chuckled. Her chuckles woke him up.

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