Dionysus: God of Wine (Dī-oh-nī’-sus)
Distinguishing Features: Leopard-skin shirt, walking shorts, purple socks and sandals, the general pasty demeanor of someone who has been up partying much too late. Now: Dionysus has been sentenced to one hundred years of “rehab” as director of Camp Half-Blood. The only thing the god of wine can drink these days is Diet Coke, which doesn’t make him happy. He can usually be found playing pinochle with a group of terrified satyrs on the front porch of the Big House. If you want to join the game, be prepared to bet large. Then: Dionysus invented wine, which so impressed his father Zeus that he promoted Dionysus to god. The guy who invented prune juice, by contrast, got sentenced to the Fields of Punishment. Dionysus mostly spent his time partying it up in Ancient Greece, but once a crew of sailors tried to kill him, thinking the god was too incapacitated to fight back. Dionysus turned them into dolphins and sent them over the side. The moral of this story: Do not mess with a god, even a drunk one.
Symbol: the leopard, the grape vine
Roman name: Bacchus
The Entrance To The Bridge
FantasyThe Greek Gods have done something, MADE something incredible. Welcome into the world of Amnesia. Her best friend is named Embrosia. Step into Amnesia's story and her world as she figures out what she is, and what she can do as she hears the rise of...