Married By Mistake Chapter 6 Mr Arrogant

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Ariana’s POV

Well the club was amazing but I am back to work now it's quite and let me just say today isn't

a good day my boss is been yelling at people like crazy he's fired like ten people in one day

all because of a single mistake and trust me I don't want to lose my job.

We went on a lunch break with Cassie, talked about some random stuff and made a new

friend, his name is Jeremy, he's cute I'm not going to lie. So after my super fun lunch break, I

went to my office to grab some files which needed Mr King's signature, I quickly rushed to his office and went in without knocking, trust me I regretted it cause I walked in only to find my boss in a heated session with some pretty lady well definitely his type but I quickly rushed out closing the door behind me and ran to Cassie.

"You walked in on them didn't you," he smiled at me while arranging some papers.

"Yeah and it was definitely not a pleasant sight I know his playboy but he could have at least

take her somewhere else you know."

"Don't tell me you are jealous, just get used to it."

"Huh jealous me no way am not jea- " Before i could finish my sentence I was interrupted

by Miss barbie.

"Next time sweetheart I would advise you to knock cause you disturbed us," She faked a

smile "Your boss is calling you." She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

"Please pray for me." I looked at her for the last time incase he fires me or kills me, I arrive at

the door and took a deep breath before I muster my courage to knock well I will have to go

sooner or later, I finally knocked at his door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in, not even daring to look at him.

"Oh so now you know how to knock you should have done the same a few minutes ago."

"I'm so sorry it won't ever happen again I'm sorry," I look down at my lap while playing with my fingers but I could feel his eyes on me.

He sighs, "Well what brought you to my office in such a hurry that you couldn't even knock

Miss Anderson."

"I brought the files sir, they need your signature."

"Okay I will sign them letter go to your office and and get a notepad and your pen and meet

me in the boardroom."

"Okay sir."

"Just get out and close the door behind you."

I quickly left his office and went to my office I got everything I needed well since my boss left

me and I forgot to ask him where the boardroom is I had to ask for direction but I still ended

getting lost but luckily I found the boardroom and I was five minutes late. I opened the

door and hurriedly walked to my seat

It was so beautiful I didn't even know what to do. I looked around the room for Mr Xavier but I couldn't see him that's when I heard his voice voice he was presenting, oh shit am in deep

trouble, what the hell am I going to do? Oh my word I'm really going to get fired today.

Well the meeting was going great for them and to keep myself busy I was taking notes

writing almost everything I didn't know what to do and not forgetting the weird guy who kept

on smiling and winking at me and whenever I made eye contact with him I looked the other

direction and I ended up looking at my boss so I felt it was better to keep my head down and

take notes.

Finally the boring meeting was over and trust me, I was glad everyone left including my boss

and I was left with the weird stranger who I got to know was Liam and he was funny too.

When I arrived in my office I was about to leave when the arrogant prick told me to write a

report. Which I did and quickly sent to him.

I was about to leave with Cassie, until I heard my boss's angry voice.

"MISS ANDERSON." His voice boomed throughout the whole room. He stood at his door and had my report in his hand.

"ye..yes sir."

"What the hell is this, do you call this a report," He takes two steps forward getting closer to


"I.....I" Why am I even stammering.this man is going to kill me.

"I asked you to write a report, not whatever this is." He threw the paper at me.

"I'm sorry sir." I said in a low voice.

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything or make this thing that you wrote much better is it?"

"No it won't." I replied in a shaky voice.

"Look at me when I am talking to you." but I still kept my gaze down I couldn't look at him I

didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes, he sighed and harshly grabbed my chin making

me look at him "When I tell you to do something I expect it to be done."

"If I had known you were this worthless and useless I wouldn't have hired you I don't even

know why in the world I hired you, what is this you were busy flirting instead of concentrating on your work this is your chance you mess it up, you are fired." He harshly spat at me, I could see the anger in his eyes and that's what terrified me, he let go of my chin.

I flinched at his tone, tears were threatening to come out but I wasn't going to cry not here in

in front of everyone, especially HIM.

"Oh so now you don't know, what GET OUT and can you all go back to work."

I took it as my cue to quickly leave the building I don't know how I ended up home but I was

a crying mess my phone kept on ringing it was Cassie but right now all I need was time


I quickly took a shower and put on my pyjamas.


I will just act like everything is okay, tomorrow I won't let him think he hurt me at all I will just ignore him and do everything he asks me to

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