Chapter 12

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My phone buzzed on the desk and I reached for it from the floor of my dorm room. I was laying on the floor surrounded by books and papers of homework that I had just finished. I had gotten swamped this weekend and had just finished. I looked at my phone and it was a text from Jess.

J- Sara and I are coming to get you so we can go to the mall

E- Okay, let me just make myself somewhat presentable lol 

J- Hurry up, we will be there in like ten minutes ;) 

E- Okay 

I loved how Jess and Sara just assumed I would go to the mall with them, I mean of course I would obviously, they are my best friends. I got up off the floor, leaving all of my books and papers scattered on the floor. I looked over my appearance of sweatpants and an old ratty t shirt. I went to my closet and looked through my clothing. I decided on a pair of black capris, my black and white striped top and a hot pink scarf. I slipped on my black toms and put my wallet and phone in my shoulder purse. I realized my hair looked like a monstrosity, so I pulled it up into a loose messy bun with a few pieces framing my face in the front. I left my glasses on because I was to lazy to put my contacts in. Once I finished I had a couple minutes to pick up all my books and papers that were all over my floor. I quickly did that, organizing it all on my desk neatly. I looked in the mirror and touched up my makeup, and then I was ready. I texted Jess that I was ready and she said they were almost there. About a minute later Jess texted me saying they were in the parking lot. I left my dorm room, locking it behind me, and went down to the parking lot.

When I got down there I saw Jess and Sara jamming in Sara's jeep to Taylor Swift. I could hear Blank Space blasting from inside the car, and Jess and Sara were moving their heads to the beat and singing along. I laughed at how ridiculous they looked from outside the car. I opened the passenger door of the jeep and got in.

"HEYYY!" Sara said loudly over the music.

"HII!" I said just as loudly. Sara started the car and we drove to the mall. When we got there we went inside and and went to Forever 21. We shopped around and looked at all the clothing.

"Hey Ella!" Jess said, standing at a different rack from me. I turned to look at her and she was holding out what looked like some kind of bra crop top thing. I made a weird face at her. "I bet Niall would love to see you in this!" she said. My eyes went wide.

"Jess!" I said scoldingly before laughing. She put it back on the rack laughing. Sara came over to us holding something she found on the accesories rack.

"Hey guys, look what I found." she showed us a set of three rings. One was a heart, one was an infinity sign, and one was a star.

"Those are cute! Are you gonna get them?" I asked her.

"Well, I thought that I could get them and we each could wear one. They could be our best friend tokens. Jess can have the star, I'll take the heart, and you can take the infinity sign." Sara said. I smiled.

"I love it!" Jess said. 

"That's a great idea." I said. Sara smiled and then turned around and walked over to the cashier to pay for our rings. Sara was so cute with our best friend tokens. She was all about that stuff like friendship bracelets and bonding and all of that. I found a really cute pink and gray striped infinity scarf, and Jess found a cute pair of flats on the clearance rack. We payed at the register and then left the store. When we got out of the store, Sara gave me and Jess our rings and we put them on. They were so cute, I really loved them. There were a few other stores that we wanted to go into, but after we went into those, we kind of just walked around. 

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