The Rain

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Author's PoV
Time Skip
1:30 pm

Jimin had attached Bo with a cloth over his back as he cleaned the kitchen of the landlady

The little one had a slight fever for the past 2 days but unfortunately the single father didn't have time or the money to take him to the doctor right away as he went back and forth carrying him all the way to work over his back and then returning home

He had fortunately found the job of a receptionist in a book shop nearby. Though the pay wasn't much yet with his other two part time jobs it was sufficing them at the moment

"Don't... Aghhh.. Worry darling.... Phew! I will take you to the doctor in the evening. We got.... an appointment at 8pm. As soon as you.... Have the medicines you will be fine"





"Yes hun?"

Wae ish eveyone sho (pulls his nose) ruee to ush?

"Umm... Bo when you don't have... (Wipes his sweat as he mops the floor) huhumm... Money in your pockets... You..."

Uh huh?

"...leave it. They aren't rude darling. I just have to work so that I can feed both of us"

No... dat boogeyman... dat day... Ganny hea... Eveyone bawd to you... Will they be (coughs) bawd to me too wen I gow up?

 Will they be (coughs) bawd to me too wen I gow up?

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"No honey. NEVER! No
one will behave like this to you. Pinky promise me that you're going to study hard and make a good life for yourself?"

Pinky pwomise

"Good boy"
Jimin smiles

Jimin's PoV

What time is it?
3:30pm already... Hmm..

I still...have lots of work left... Have to home deliver all those books today...Hmmph...I feel so weak

A/N Jimin thanks the grandma after cleaning her house as he leaves for his apartment in the corner

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