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Before beginning, let me introduce a medical condition that me and one of my sister share: allergy from excessive cold

When the temperature goes below -8 to -10°C, the pads of my hand and leg start cracking. I mean it, they literally crack and bleed if they aren't given warmth so much so that I can't eat or stand up

This is a minor thing and manageable however there's another severe form. It is c/d as anaphylaxis which includes choking because of allergies, I mean choking to death. And there's two levels a mild attack and a severe one: fortunately the one I have seen was a mild one and after a shot it went down quickly

All right we are done
I'm not a medical expert so I know only this much
Oh you needed this info for proceeding 😂 I'm not discussing about my life & wasting your time🌚

*Back to story*

Author's PoV
LI: Lady Isabella
H: Isabella's husband, Lee Jo
Italics Jimin
D: Doctor

Lady Isabella and her husband ran upstairs to Jimin's screaming for their help as they found him crying desperately holding onto Jungkook within his arms

H: WHA- what happened?

I don't know! I don't know... He was in the cold. I didn't allow him to enter and when I did...this...

LI: You didn't allow him to enter? But he's...
H: Isa stop! Call the doctor...
Help me Jimin...


Both of them dragged the heavy man up on the bed

The lady meanwhile makes the call

H: He's cold. Heat some oil
I'm coming back

Jimin put up blankets upon him and ran into the kitchen

He had to decide between crying and working up for Jungkook
He obviously chose the latter

As the oil heated up...
He saw Mr Jo come back hurriedly with sweaters of his size while Minnie took up the tissues rubbing off the blood near his neck

H: Come here Jimin...
Change his dress. Make him wear this and cover him up

Jimin nodded
*Not a word*

LI: The doctor's coming in 5-10 mins. He lives right across the corner. He will be here. Don't you worry!

Mr Lee takes his wife outside as they wait for Jimin to change the bloodied clothes into something way warmer

As Jimin opened up Jungkook's buttons, he looked at the man
Why did you keep waiting, you idiot!

His lips trembled and he stopped for a moment to control himself from crying down

And then did his work quickly asking the couple to come in

The oil was heated up

Jimin watches Mr Jo take up some of the oil and rub it under his feet while he took out the anti allergic gel and rubbed it on the dom's cheeks and the inside of his palms

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