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   Los Feliz High School, the home of the talented, or at least to the people getting there

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Los Feliz High School, the home of the talented, or at least to the people getting there. Dancers, musicians, artists of all kinds tried to attend the school high ranking arts program. I was one of those people, Kinsley Mercer. My parents hated that I attended this program, they hated that I didn't strive to be an accountant or a journalist, but music was my thing. "Cherry!" I heard my name being called from behind me. I turn seeing my blond best friend walking up to me. I pull the lollipop from my lips, adjusting my grip on my guitar case, and giving her a bright smile. "I have been looking for you everywhere!" She says before launching into a long explanation about a date she and Harry had been on the night before. I followed along as she spoke, her smile bright and excited.

"Cherry, Towns," I heard Oliver's voice greeting us cutting Cora off of her rambling. "We still on for practice tonight?" He asked

"Of course," I answer, "8 o'clock sharp," He nods bidding goodbye and running off in the opposite direction. I look at Cora laughing slightly as we entered the music room. Mrs.Harrison looked hopeful as the bell rang, her eyes kept moving to Julie who sat in the row that Cora and I sat in. She kept adjusting the hat on her head keeping her eyes low to the floor. Harrison began calling us up one by one to play something. I look over to Cora who twirls a drum stick over her fingers watching everyone play. Nick was currently playing something on his guitar.

"Nice job Nick," Harrison complimented as everyone cheered for him. "Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale," Harrison remarks jokingly. Nick laughs as does the rest of the class. I look over to Cora who glances at me, both of our eyebrows raised before I snort of laughter looking forward again. "Okay, we have one last performance, Julie?" Julie looked up slowly. Everyone turns to the Molina, watching her as she nervously walks over to the piano. I twirl the lollipop stick watching interested in if she was going to play again. We all watch as she positions herself over the ebony instrument. "Take your time," Harrison encourages. Julie lefts the top of the piano and I sit forward slightly, Julie was one of the most talented girls in the school, hope she'd play again growing. Her fingers graze the keys softly before she lifts them, Flynn, her best friend, stands worried for the girl.

"I'm sorry," Julie apologizes

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie asks, I kick the back of her chair harshly causing her to jump. She turns around glaring at me. I return the look, looking back to Julie who leaves.

"Watch it, Carrie," Flynn says following her best friend. I look over at Cora who looked at me questioningly, probably from my reaction to Carrie's comment. I shrug, I never liked bullies.

   "Hey mom," I greet, my mother glances up at me slowly nodding in my direction

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"Hey mom," I greet, my mother glances up at me slowly nodding in my direction. I sigh at the lack of a response opening the fridge door grabbing a bottle out. "How was work?" I asked, hoping for a better response.

"Fine," She says looking back at her computer screen. I sigh once again nodding.

"I'm going to Oliver's house for band practice," I tell her, "I won't be home till later," I tell her. She looks up at me finally her face setting in disdain. "Bye," I say grabbing my bag and guitar case finally as she calls my name. I ignore the calls opening the door and shutting it behind me. I wanted to make a stop before I went to Oliver's.

I stop the car in front of Julie Molina's house. The sun had begun to set and the clock read 7:30 pm. I wasn't so sure why I wanted to see the Molina girl, we weren't really the best of friends. We had known each other since we were little, Julie and I were friends when she was in first grade and I was in second, but when summer rolled around we grew apart as children do. I inhale softly before making my way to the door, I went to knock when I heard screaming coming from the garage. "Julie?" I ask moving toward the open garage doors quickly. She stood there her eyes wide as she screamed staring at a group of 3 boys. She looks back at me grabbing my arm as she runs out of there. I follow her, slightly weirded out by the experience.

"Dad!" She yelled bumping right into her father. I stop short, extremely confused looking back in the direction of the garage.

"Whoa... Slow down, you look like you've seen a ghost," Mr. Molina comments

"I have!" Julie speaks for the first time.

"Cool," Carlos comments

"Not cool!" She yells running toward the door of her house. "Run!" She says opening the door and running in. I could hear her screaming as she headed up the stairs.

"Hey, Mr. Molina," I say awkwardly as we all came to terms with what just happened.

"Kinsley," He greets, "What just happened?" I shrug

"I am not quite sure, I just got here," I say, "And I go by Cherry these days," I say smiling. Mr. Molina smiles nodding.

"I'm going to go check on her, you're welcome to stay for dinner,"

"Oh, thank you," I say, "I have band practice soon though," I tell him, checking my watch, I had 20 minutes before practice starts. He nods looking at Carlos telling him to go do something. Julie comes back out a few minutes later. "Julie," I say

"Cherry," She elongates my name, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were, you know after today and really the last year," I said twisting the ring on my thumb. "What are you doing?" I ask noticing the cross she was holding.

"Oh... Nothing," She says, "Thank you for checking on me, I'm okay," She assures me. I give her an odd look before nodding.

"Okay then..." I say, "Let me know if you need anything. I've got to run," She nods "See you at school?" She looks down but nods hesitantly. I wave goodbye getting into my car thinking about how weird that entire interaction was.

Cherry || R. PetersWhere stories live. Discover now