Chapter 1

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I arrived at the campus of YouTube University at 9:00am. There was hardly anyone there, so I took my map out of my pocket and used it to guide myself to the office to check in. The lady in the office immediately recognized me and gave me the information on my roommates, my luggage and then gave me my room key. I thanked her and left.

Dorm 186, room mate; Bethany Mota.

I arrived at my dorm and slowly unlocked the door. I peeked my head around the corner and saw Bethany lying on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, with a laptop on her lap. She scrolled through the website she was on until I lightly knocked on the door.

"Excuse me," I almost whispered. "I'm Anna, you must be Bethany? We're roommates."

"Oh, hi!" She set her laptop down and I opened the door fully. "Come in, my home is your home! Considering we share a room for the next year or so."

I giggled and stepped inside. I paused to take in the atmosphere. I immediately noticed Bethany had done some decorating. There were One Direction posters on the walls, cute owl blankets laid on the couch and some bright pink and purple throw pillows to brighten up the place. On one desk, she had decorated it with colorful post it notes, to organize where things go, and chargers were sporadically spread across it. On the other side of the room was another desk completely empty, left for me I assumed. Apparently, the top bunk was mine since she had the bottom one decked out with a cute blue and white comforter and a blue pillow. Some unicorn stuffed animals were snuggled up next to her as well.

"I hope you don't mind," she started. "about me decorating. I just felt like it needed to be spiced up a little bit, if you know what I mean."

"I know exactly what you mean. And I love it, it looks adorable!" Bethany smiled at me, in appreciation. "It's really nice to meet you, by the way." I held out my hand and Bethany stood from her bunk and shook it.

"Same for you. I've seen your videos and you're a great role model!"

"Thank you very much." I said, blushing. "You set a fabulous example as well."

"Let's not be too formal, now." Bethany said and we laughed.

My luggage had already arrived so I began to unpack. I had Bethany help me lay out my comforter (since I was on the top bunk, I needed assistance for setting it up!) Then I placed my school essentials on the desk she left available for me, and set up my camera equipment next to it. And for the fun of it, I threw an extra blanket I had on the couch with the few blankets and throw pillows Bethany had previously put on it. I had one last detail to add to the room, a Tyler Oakley poster I had purchased before coming to the university. I had never hung it, for I was saving it to hang in my dorm.

It's a white poster with a golden outlining, and in golden letters on the inside it says, 'I Can't Stop Watching YouTubers'. Which is true! Once the poster was hung, our little dorm was complete. Now I just had to put away all my clothing, the tedious part of setting up. Thankfully, Bethany and I had two separate closets because otherwise I would tell Bethany to keep a stash of clothing under her bed because she has so much! But hey, what do you expect from a beauty guru?

After unpacking, I jumped onto my top bunk and took a moment to relax. "Mind if I come up?" Bethany asked, clutching the ladder.

"Not at all." I told her and she climbed up and sat next to me.

"Cute comforter." She smiled and sat cross legged on my pink and white floral print bedspread.

"Thank you," I began. "So. Do you by any chance happen to know any other YouTubers going here?"

"I know all of the OurSecondLife boys are here, over in the boys dorms. Zoe Sugg and her brother Joe should be here as well, and I think Caspar Lee came with them. That's all I know as of now."

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