He's A Flirt

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It was You Rock My World MJ (Rock My World)!! I have to resist checking him out, that video was always so... Hnngg.

He looked like he was checking me out from head to toe then he finally met my gaze and smiled at me

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He looked like he was checking me out from head to toe then he finally met my gaze and smiled at me.

His eyes had a certain sparkle to them as he seemed to slide across the floor towards me, "Well hello there." He said with a grin. 

"Hi...." I muttered softly.

"And what might your name be?" He asked while taking my hand and gently kissing it.

I blushed and looked away quickly, "Ah, my name? Oh it's, it's ah Y/N. Yeah that's it heh." I said trying to control my tongue to be able to actually talk.

"Y/N? What a lovely name." He said while kissing my hand once again, "I'm sure you know who I am, but I will go ahead and introduce myself. I am Michael, Michael Jackson." He said staring deep into my eyes. 

"Yea we know who you are. We are all you except for her." Bad echoed as he climbed the stairs.

Uh oh.....

"Oh, well it is nice to meet all of me I guess haha." Rock My World said as he went to shake everyone's hand.

When he went to shake Bad's hand they just stood there gripping each other's hands tightly giving one another a death glare for what seemed to be about 20 minutes long. 

Oh God... Last thing I need is a testosterone battle.

"Um, so now that we are all acquainted how about we get something to eat, since it is going 7 in the morning now?" I said yawning. I had officially been up all night.

"Awe is someone tired? Does someone need a nappy wappy?" Leave Me Alone cooed witha stupid grin.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna cut your balls off." I gritted.

"All aboard the NOPE train, choo choo!" RTT pumped his arm in the air as he briskly walked into a different room.

"Damn and I thought I was the group asshat." Bad smirked.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a slow, deep sigh, "I'm irritable when I'm tired and when I'm hungry. We got a combo here."

"That means she's a double scoop of meany

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"That means she's a double scoop of meany." Leave Me Alone whispered under his hand to the others.

I simply clenched my jaw went to the kitchen to fix breakfast, "God, I hope I have enough food." I said aloud.

"If you don't I can go get some for you, doll." I heard a voice say. I quickly spun around on my heels to see Rock My World standing right in front of me.

"Uh, hey." I said wondering why he had followed me.

He chuckled, "Hello." He said walking up to me.

My back pressed against the wall as he gently pinned me to it.

"Why is a beautiful girl like you doing all the work? You should be relaxing. Preferably with me." He whispered.

I was starting to be able to feel his breath on my face he was getting so close. 

"If you want me to stop just tell me and I'll leave, I promise my dear." He whispered as his lips just barely brushed against mine.

" He whispered as his lips just barely brushed against mine

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For some reason I couldn't get the word stop out. It was like he could control me. 

Before he got carried away I still managed to push him back with what strength I could muster. He looked at me a bit sheepishly, which surprised me a bit.

"Listen bub, you're good looking and all, don't get me wrong, but... This is first of all way too damn fast, you just got here. Secondly, I'm still confused by this entire situation and whatever voodoo bullshit I'm involved in. Thirdly, I'm hungry for food, not dick, so please, be a gentleman and back off." I smiled sweetly as I could muster, turning back to my stove.

"Well uh... I'll admit I love a woman with some bite to her," he chuckled, "But you're right. That was my bad. Sorry to bother you and I'm sorry for my advances," he took my hand and kissed it, "But don't think I'll stop flirting with you." He winked and left the kitchen after that.

"What smells so good?" I heard a voice ask after about an hour of quiet to myself as I cooked. "Me, HA, I'm so funny." (Not really, that was a bad joke, bad Y/N)

I could never tell who it was until I saw them, they all sound the same and its so confusing.

Before I could even answer they had already peaked over my shoulder and found out.

"Pancakes?! YAASSS!!" Off The Wall ran out of the kitchen excitedly, probably to go tell everyone what he had discovered.

"Pancakes?! YAASSS!!" Off The Wall ran out of the kitchen excitedly, probably to go tell everyone what he had discovered

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My Life With Many... Many... MJ's.... (Random Michael Jackson story)Where stories live. Discover now