Phsyco Maniac Time

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"She's asleep." Rock My World said walking into the basement.

"Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane TORTILLA!" Leave Me Alone said out of the group. (Am I starting to turn Leave Me Alone into nothing but memes? Don't judge me)

They all stared at him.

"Pancakes...." Off The Wall said drooling.

"Looks like Afro Head is hungry. And this time for once in my life I agree with him. I'm hungry too. In that case, someone get me some food. Or I will get in a really bad mood." Bad said looking at everyone.

"Man, if you actually have a "bad" mood, then what mood are you in right now?" Smooth Criminal asked.

Bad shrugged and adjusted his glove buckles, "Come closer and you'll find out."

"Gay." Billie Jean mumbled from the corner.

"Why you little-" Bad was cut off by J5, "Enough of this freakin' fighting stuff. I'm hungry!"

"Shut the hell up!! Lets go!!" Bad shot back.

They all left the house and started walking down the sidewalk.

"Now watch me WHIP, now watch me NAY NAY! WHIP WHIP, DO THAT NAY NAY!" Leave Me Alone sang as he did the dance around the others.

He jumped up on a bench and starting flossing, "I'm dancin', watch me bust my moves. Oh yea baby!!" He sang trying to sound like Elvis.

"Oh. My. GOD!!!" Bad yelled face palming himself.

"Haha coulda had a V8!!" Ghosts laughed.

Bad went to punch him.

"Hey!! No fighting. Got it, hot shot??" Smooth Criminal said grabbing his wrist.

"Fine." Bad said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, I'm in charge so if he wants to beat him up he can." J5 said matter of fact.

Smooth Criminal and Ghosts looked at each other, "Denial." They said in unison.

They both picked him up, "Hey what's the big idea?!" J5 yelled.

They threw him into some nearby bushes.

"Badda bing badda boom!" Ghosts chanted doing his victory dance.

Smooth Criminal just laughed, "Ok, so now I am in charge. No fighting." He said.

"Not. Funny." J5 said, dusting himself off.

He started making a weird face. His eyes got big.

"There is a squirrel... In my pants!!!" He yelled.

He ran around screaming and doing the strangest movements.

The squirrel finally ran out as all the other MJ's were all on the ground rolling around they were laughing so hard.

"You-- you scream like a girl!!!" Ghosts laughed.

"And they call me a wimp, ha!!" My Life said.

"I have ants in ma pants, ants in ma-- ants in ma-- ants in ma pants!!" Leave Me Alone sang.

They all got quiet and looked at him.

"You sure are doing a lot of singing." Billie Jean said annoyed.

Suddenly they all heard a gasp from across the street.

 "MICHAEL JACKSON!!!??" The girl screamed.

Bad knew what was happening

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Bad knew what was happening.

"Run!!!" He yelled. They all ran into an alley and hunkered down.

She ran past and they sat there for awhile and waited until the sign that she was gone.

"No!! My summer love, please don't leave me.." Leave Me Alone said.

They all looked at him.

"Oh well....... BING BONG, FUCK YA LIFE."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!" Bad screamed

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"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!" Bad screamed.

"HahahahahahahaHA!! No." Leave Me Alone replied, crossing his arms.

"I wanna go back, this is tiring." Ghosts whined.

"Ugh...." Bad slumped down the wall as they thought of what to do now.

My Life With Many... Many... MJ's.... (Random Michael Jackson story)Where stories live. Discover now