Getting Cranky

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A zombie triggered by water? Really clever narrator, really hit that one outta the park huh. A+ writing

"Everyone out!!! NOW!!!" I yelled running down into the basement

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"Everyone out!!! NOW!!!" I yelled running down into the basement.

Smooth C. was right behind me making sure nothing could get to me. I was kind of flattered, I mean, he acted so in charge. It seemed like I was his priority.

We all ran into the garage and hid in the car, under it, and behind other things sitting around.

Zombies weren't that great of trackers, at least that is what I've heard..

Smooth C., Remember The Time, and TII were all in the car with me.

I looked up and saw zombie Michael coming into the garage.

"Get down!" Smooth C. hissed at me, jumping over and laying on top of me protectively. I blushed lightly, I mean how would you react if MICHAEL JACKSON was laying on top of you, protecting you from a killer zombie? (Such an easy scenario to put yourself right? Right?... yeah its dumb I'm sorry)

I was laying face up though, so he was staring down at me and I at him.

'What can stop a zombie?' I thought to myself.

"Hola, Freaky Dude!!" Leave Me Alone said walking up to Zombie.

"Uhhhhaaa...." Zombie said.

"You're hungry??" Leave Me Alone asked him.

'Wait, is he..... Actually talking to him and understanding what he is saying?'

"He can talk to him??" TII lifted his head up and looked out the window.

Smooth C. was still staring at me though like a creep.

"Uggghaa.." Zombie said.

"Brains?? No no, you don't want that!! I know what you will like though!!" Leave Me Alone said snapping his fingers.

He looked around a bit. "Ahah!!" He walked back over to Zombie.

"Here you go!! Fresh sewer water and flavored earth worms!! They're blueberry!!" He said handing him the disgusting items.

"Ewww.." I said. Smooth C. nodded his head.

Zombie ate the items. "Uggaaahhhh... Ahh what happened??" He had turned back into to Thriller!! Annndd he threw up immediately... I just mopped two days ago.

"Well that was anti-climatic." Bad said with a disappointed tone as he came out from hiding.

"Um, you can get off of me now." I said to Smooth C.

"Sure, but one thing." He said.

"Wha--" But he cut me off by crashing his lips into mine.

I tensed up a bit, he chuckled against my lips. "Relax." He mumbled.

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