Not so normal anymore

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"I won't tell you ANYTHING!" Kai shouts at the enemy and they just chuckle. "Time for another round." The mysterious voice said with a smirk. The screams of the hothead filled the room. Begging for mercy. But that kept the enemy going.

"Listen to me young ninja." The stranger said while holding Kai's bleeding chin up. "No one is going to save you, no one loves you." He drops Kai's head and he winced in pain.

"Give him another round." The stranger said. Kai begged with white hot tears coming down his blistered face. "Please no. No more." He begged and it was followed with an ear piercing scream of pain from Kai.

"You are all alone." The man said while exiting the room.

5 hours earlier

Sunlight arose from the sky and into the Ninjas' room. It's rays were sent in the faces of 5 sleeping teenaged boys. They all shared a room whereas Nya, the only girl on the team and Kai's little sister, slept in her own. (Because girls need space too)

(Btw this all takes place after season 11 I guess)

The first to wake was the eldest of the 5. He was a robot but still shared the same attributes as the other 4. Normally to wake second was a blonde with green eyes. Following him would be a raven black haired teen along with his bunk mate who had ginger brown hair and blue eyes.

The last one to wake would always be Kai. His brown hair spiked up looking like flames, with amber colored eyes. His temper shared the same heat as his fire and he was the most loyal of the team.

His younger sister, Nya was the master of water and dated the master of lightning, Jay.
"Good morning everyone!" Spoke Zane and the boys groaned tiredly in response. "Another day of training. I wonder what today brings." Said Cole and Jay muttered, "breakfast."

The 5 boys got dressed into they're normal (fruit colored) gis and headed down to the kitchen where Sensei Wu was already drinking tea and deep in thought. Lloyd approached his uncle and let out a 'hem hem' and Wu only opened his eyes slightly.

"Good morning students." He said in a warm peaceful manner. The boys bowed and responded with a "good morning Sensei." He smiled approvingly and went back to his thoughts.

"So Zane, whatchya makin for breakfast?" Jay asked. Zane smiled and got out his cookbook with all their favorite dishes inside. "Is Nya still asleep?" Kai asked. "Well not anymore big brother." They heard the voice come from behind them and they turned to see Nya with a gray(ish) ninja gi on, her raven black hair was tied up in a simple ponytail.

"Good morning beautiful." Jay said and kissed her cheek. She giggled and Kai told himself to just breathe and not go on 'overprotective mode'.

Kai's vision suddenly blurred to where he could only see shadows around him. His head felt heavy and it felt like knives were being driven into his skull. It was so random. All the sudden he felt unbearable pain and screamed, not caring who heard him.

He could hear faint voices and his whole body was screaming in agony that was brought up to his voice.

"Help, please." Was all Kai could muster. Normally he wouldn't cry or show any signs of pain but this was excruciatingly painful. It all happened so fast and suddenly he was on the couch with his worried family around him. Nya was holding his hand and Zane was checking his temperature.

"Kai! Are you okay?!" She asks in fright. Kai is disoriented and tries to gain all his sight back before answering. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine." Kai stutters then mentally facepalms because stuttering will make them more worried about him.

"You're not okay Kai, you need rest." Stated Zane and he put away his first aid kit with a satisfying 'click' shut. Kai sat up rubbing his temples gingerly and trying to avoid contact with anyone.

The fire he possesses (a Ninjago fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now