A desturbed reunion

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Nya's breath was caught in her throat at the sight that was presented before her. Kai was unconscious and bound tightly to the wall. Burns, slashes, cuts, appeared and his mouth was dripping down with small streams of blood. His face said all the pain that was needed to be said. He looked pained and defenseless.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU MONSTER?!" Nya screamed at the man's face. He only stood there without a flinch at Nya's outbreak. The door slid open to reveal none other than Jake himself and a red head Nya's never set eyes on before. "Nya. So good to see you again cousin." Jake said welcomely.
"Quit the small talk. What did you do to my brother?" Nya asked with gritted teeth.
"Settle down dear cousin. I was only having a normal reunion with him." Jake replied with fake innocence. Nya scoffed and rolled her ocean blue eyes.

"You know, if you can remember correctly, I did tell you to be ready and that I would attack when you would least expect it." Explained Jake as if he were shrugging. Nya only screamed at his face in response. "I CHOSE HIM OVER YOU YEARS AGO! THAT WHOLE INCIDENT IS OVER! JUST ACCEPT IT!" Nya screamed and Jake was taken aback. "Dear one, I was so much more able to care for you but no. You chose him. OF ALL PEOPLE! HIM!" Jake screamed the last part in fury. "Because he's my brother Jake. I wasn't going to just leave him." Explained Nya.

Jake scoffed. "Him over me huh? How do you like this then?" Jake asked and took out a remote. My heart skipped a beat knowing whatever he was planning wasn't good. Jake pressed the red one in the middle and I was met with ear-piercing scream. Kai was tearing and yelling in agony. His whole body was twitching uncontrollably and his face said pain all over. Jake turned it off and Kai went limp once more, breathing heavily. "You choose a wimp, over me?" Jake asked once more and looked me sternly in the eyes, which I looked away from.

"He's not a wimp. He's the strongest person I know. You might be jealous of his attributes that you don't have but you don't need to torture him just to get me back." I scolded him coldly. My eyes said poison all over and my glare was ice cold.

"Very well then. Have fun watching your brother suffer." He chuckled maliciously.
"No! Stop —" I was cut off by Kai's helpless wails of pain. "STOP! HE'S HAD ENOUGH!" I cried desperately as my brother shook visibly and violently. His cries told me it was excruciating and Kai's not one to cry so this was impossible to watch. "No! I want you to see how useless he is!" Jake screamed at me harshly. I closed my eyes tightly and looked away but Jake jerked my face forward and yelled at me to open my eyes.

A push of a button and Kai's burgeoning screams told me Jake increased the pain of what ever stupidness he was setting on my brother. "PLEASE! STOP PLEASE!" I cried continuously, not wanting to live any moment more of this. "As you wish princess." He said mockingly, switched off the remote and slipped it in his pocket. "I'll give you two 5 minutes." He said while punching a button and opening up the window separating Kai and I.

I stumbled forward and caught him before he hit the floor and rested his head on my lap. "Kai." I whispered gingerly. His wounds were even worse up close. "What has that b**** done to you?" I whisper-cried silently. Kai's entire body was shaking uncontrollably and his teeth were clenched as were his eyes in a pained expression. "Shh Kai it's okay. Just relax, I'm here." I assured him quietly. Kai's face softened slowly. "N — Nya?" He asked weakly, that mostly came out as a whimper. "Yes Kai. I'm here." I replied while hugging his upper body. "Nya please don't look at me. I'm a stupid mess." Kai cried softly.

That's when my heart truly broke. Normally Kai doesn't get this emotional but now was his breaking point. All those times where he had to hide me when the cops came by so I wouldn't get taken up due to Kai's parenting age. All the times where he was beaten constantly because he was just trying to get food for me to eat. All the times Jake would come during the night and attempt to kidnap me and he would protect me. Every time I could think of that Kai stayed calm about, this was where he broke.

My heart longed to hurt all those who hurt him. He didn't deserve any of this. Being the loving big brother he is though, he's trying to stay strong for me. And I love him for that.

I caressed Kai's head in my lap gingerly while playing with his hair. I massaged his face to get it to soften a little. The cuts and bruises stuck out like a stain on a white sheet. His pale face shook violently and I had to continuously shush him so he wouldn't tense up too much. "Nya y — you shouldn't b — be here." Kai sobbed quietly. "And neither should you. I promise, I'll find a way out of here, for me and you." I assured him although doubting my own words.

"Alright, disgusting reunion done. Nya follow Skylor to your room. Kai, stay on that floor where you belong." Jake ordered rudely.

"HEY!" I started but Skylor pulled me out before I could wrestle Jake to the floor. "No! Nya!" Kai called out weakly but loud enough for me to hear. That's when I started to thrash harder against Skylor's grip. "Shut it. Do you want us both to get punished?" Skylor asked while gritting her teeth in an annoyed manor.
"My brother needs me you b—"

I couldn't finish before Skylor chucked me into a small round room with the door tightly locked and barricaded with locks. "Stay until the morning." Skylor instructed and left me to cry out for my brother.

With Kai

"You couldn't let me say goodbye?" Kai asked shakily as Jake slammed the door. "You'll survive your next training. I think." He smirked and held Kai by his neck. "Follow me this way my puppet." He mocked and Kai closed his eyes in defeat. Jake led Kai to a different room that had a pole with a string hanging onto it. The floor below had an outline that showed this floor could open up.

"So if I can remember correctly, don't you have severe aquaphobia?" Jake asked.

Kai's eyes widened in terror knowing what was coming. "N — no." He managed to get out of his sore lungs. "Ah but you do dear cousin. Remember back when we would swim in my pool but you refused to go near it? Nya only informed me that you had aquaphobia after I pushed you in. Shame you didn't die that day. It would've been the perfect opportunity for me to take Nya." Jake laughed as Kai remembered the painful memories.
Aunt May and Uncle Loui had to do CPR on Kai to get him to breathe. Nya was traumatized whereas Jake only scoffed at Kai's weakness.

"Ah, the memories are returning aren't the dear cousin?" Jake asked with nefarious smirk.
"Please, d — don't do this." Kai begged but Jake laughed. "Like that's going to work." He rolled his eyes and called for Skylor. "Sky, get the rope ready." He ordered the red head.

Skylor hesitated but did as her boyfriend said. "Are you sure this is the right way? You always said his phobia was extreme." Skylor stalled clearly. "JUST DO IT!" Jake screamed and Skylor continued to unravel the roll of rope and tied the weak fire ninja's waist to it along with his arms pinned behind his back.

"Let's give him a swimming lesson shall we?" Jake asked rhetorically to Skylor and she hesitantly took that as the cue to drop Kai into the cold opening of water.

Ma baby 😭😭😭😭

Man I'm on an updating ROLE today!
Soooooo uhhhh, yeah.
Peace ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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