A broken ninja

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Kai woke up feeling an aching sickness not only in his stomach but mentally as well. He was disoriented and panicked while looking around at his surroundings. Knowing he was finally alone, he leaned over and retched. Although the smell was nauseating, it felt good to let it all out.

Kai took in his conditions. He was laying on what appeared to be an operation table on his stomach. He was shirtless and strapped so moving was not an option. His back stung like crazy and he felt the ropes that bound him down, bite at his slashes and bruises which made him flinch.

If Jake was right and this was only the beginning, Kai feared what his future in this cage would look like. After hours of clear boredom, Kai finally heard the sounds of the door being unlocked.

A girl came in and was wearing a way too short to be appropriate crop top with all too short spandex along with that. She looked to be around Kai's age and had red flaming hair. She wore high tops and so much makeup, Kai was sure she had a whole different face underneath. The crop top was too revealing, so being the polite ninja he is, Kai avoided looking with his eyes.

She swayed her hips as she walked and un-clipped Kai from the table. She then thrusted Kai's shirt at his face roughly. "Put that on." She simply said and after Kai slipped his shirt over his bruised back, she tied his arms to his side and pulled Kai out of the room ruggedly.
As she led him, Kai caught a glimpse of another prisoner being brutally beaten with a stick. Kai heard the pained screams in her voice and it took all of his self control not to break free and help her.

The mysterious red head led Kai to a cramped
Dark room. There was only a bed and a light in the tiny room. She shoved Kai rather harshly in and locked the door. "Jake'll be here in a second. Don't move." She said while gritting her teeth. Being the snobby rebel that he is, Kai moved knowing she hadn't meant it literally, it still made him laugh.

Kai heard approaching footsteps and tried to play it cool. The door opened to reveal Jake with a dagger in one hand and a wire in the other. He had an villainous look on his face and the girl stood beside him with her hip bopped to the side in a 'girly manner'.

"So Kai, I see you've met my girlfriend Skylor."
He said and as if on cue, she pulled his head towards hers and their lips met. Kai rolled his eyes in disgust and waited for what felt like decades for their embrace to break. "Do you two lovebirds mind? Remember I'm here too." Kai stated annoyed. Jake smirked and walked over to a table with a box laying on top. "You know what I've always wanted to do Kai?" He asked, and Kai shook his head. As Jake opened the box, Kai shuttered at the sight of a burner. He felt his heart skip a beat, knowing what was coming.

"If you're not going to answer," he motioned toward Skylor. "Sky what is my number one need in this world?" Skylor smirked as well and crossed her arms over her stomach. "Torture those who deceive you." She replied. "Exactly." Answered Jake and he plugged a plug in that was connected to the burner. "So Kai. What's the worst thing you've done to me?" Jake asked and held up the burner. Kai shrugged. "Insult you? You have always been extremely sensitive to everything." Kai stated as a matter of factly.

Jake growled for Skylor to bound his hands and feet. Once she made sure they were tight enough to be blistering his skin, she pushed him roughly to the wall and clipped Kai to a metal chain that held him to the wall. Kai couldn't move an inch of his body and that's what scared him.

"I sent my troops to get your sister for me." Jake chuckled as Kai screamed and thrashed as much as he could. "YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU—"
Kai was interrupted by Skylor gaging his mouth shut. Kai thrashed and screamed under the gag and Jake scowled. "Shut up you little b****." Jake stated and turned the burner on.
"You know Kai, I've been wanting to do this for a really. Long. Time." He said corruptly. Kai's eyes rotated from Jake to the burner in his hand.

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