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Tagged by: yavanna_kementari 

Okay, let's do this! *tosses homework and all related paraphernalia out into the snow*

1. Name:

Bwahahah, now wouldn't you like to know! By reading my profile you can find out that my initials are 'K.H.' (hence my pen name) buuuuuuut that's as far as I'm going to take that. On Wattpad, I go by Eruthiawen, Eruthia, Eruanna, and more recently, Kay. My favourite is Eruanna as it's a Sindarin translation of my middle name, Mattea. I guess Mattea is fine too. *adds to my mental list of online names*

2. Zodiac:

*does a quick Google search*

Yeah, that's how not-into-it I am. Apparently, I'm a Pisces. That means nothing to me, except that I recognize it as a constellation name. Are they all named after constellations?

3. Favourite food:

It changes. Literally on a daily or semi-daily basis. Right now I'm hovering between a kind of Hungarian beef pilaf, cooked in a cast-iron pot over a fire, and smoked chicken with honey garlic sauce. You can probably tell at least one person in my family likes to cook. A lot. What might surprise you is that person is not my mom.

Dad's the cook. Mom's the heater-upper-of-leftovers.

4. Favourite beverage:

I'm going to have to go with hot chocolate, just because of the rather cold weather right now. Sometimes it's apple cider, bubble tea, or San Pellegrino sparkling juice. But hot chocolate is pretty much a year-round staple.

5. Favourite season:

Autumn. I love the smells and tastes, from crisp apple pie to pumpkin butter, from spicy apple cider to turkey and cranberries. Next up is spring, because of new life, both in the animal and plant kingdoms, and also because the holidays that fall in spring are some of my favourites. Winter is not far behind since snow is still fun when you're young at heart (plus, snow shovelling pays well), and also since my birthday is in winter.

I'm not a big fan of summer, except that there's no school and we get to go on camping trips. But when I get a summer job that'll be over ... T_T

6. Last book I read:

Seriously? The Ghosts of Goran. In paperback.


Before that was Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein, courtesy of SeleneRavenwood (I borrowed her copy and ate through it in one afternoon). Before that? Don't ask. I can't remember anyway. XD

7. Favourite movie:

 Favourite movie:

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Hmmm. That would have to be a tie between Return of the King (how could I not lol) and How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World. Both were so touching and so sad at the end. Plus, they were both fantasies, a genre I recently discovered I dig big-time.

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