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After class, I met up with Z and Ry at Chick-Fil-a where we just decided to get our food to go and eat at our place. Now were sitting in the living room eating and talking. “Oh guys, I almost forgot! I have a new assignment for my sewing class and I need one of you to be a model for me,” Ryan said after she finished chewing. 

"Not it"

"Not I- dang it! fine I'll do it," Z said dejectedly. 

"Wow, tell me how you really feel," Ryan said sarcastically. 

"No, it's not that I don't want to do it, it's just that whenever we're your models you get all in the zone and we're stuck standing there like mannequins for hours because we can't move unless we want to get poked by hundreds of needles. Speaking of mannequin, why don't you just get a few of those?" Z asked.

"Because you know I don't like those things, besides I like using a live model so my measurements can be more accurate," Ryan responded. 

"Well I'm sure whatever you make will be beyond beautiful, I'm just glad I won't be stuck in my own mannequin challenge. I have better things to do," I said while dipping a waffle fry in Polynesian sauce. 

"Oh whatever, you know you're going to be right there bothering us because you're going to be "bored" even though we all know you have a lot of work that you could but won't be doing," Z mentioned. 

"Why must you always feel the need to call me out on what I do or don't do?" 

"Because, I am your conscious in human form, because you know don't listen to the one in your head sometimes. Besides, I'm your best friend, and just like you want to see me succeed in life, I want the same for you. Plus, we are so close to the finish line, we don't need to start falling off now."

"I know, I know. That senioritis is just killing me," I pouted. 

Ryan looked confused, "Mani, we're juniors." 

"Ok...and? Senioritis don't discriminate. When it hits you, it hits you," I said laughing. 

Just then there was a knock on the door. "I got it." Z said as she got up to open the door. 

"I have a package for a...Normani Kordei?", the delivery man said reading the name on the package. 

"That's me," I walked to the door. 

"Ok can you sign here for me please?" I signed for the package. He gave it to me, tipped his hat, and walked away. 

I closed the door, "I wonder what this is, I haven't ordered anything." I opened the package, inside was a letter and what looks like a pass to something. 

Dear Normani

Congratulations! You have won The Carters: Superfan Contest! Inside is a ticket to see Beyoncé and Jay-Z live in concert later this month at the San Francisco show, and a V.I.P. backstage pass to meet them after the show!

Congratulations again! See you soon!

"OMG y'all! I won that contest I signed up for a month ago! I'm gonna meet Beyoncé!!!" I started to feel faint, then the next thing I knew, all I saw was darkness. 

*15 minutes later* (SpongeBob voice, lol)

"Mani! Mani! Wake up girl! When I count to three if you don't wake up, I'm gonna throw this bucket of ice water on you. One-" 

"I'm up, I'm up,” I said as I shot up quickly to avoid getting ice water thrown on me, “What happened?" I asked.

"Girl you found out you won tickets to see Beyoncé and Jay-Z and you passed out," Z told me while handing me a bottle of water. 

"That was real? Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming," I said as I took a sip of the water. I can't believe it; I'm going to see Beyoncé! 

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