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1 month later (Since her last POV, but 2 weeks after Bey's POV, just to clarify)

Today is the day we leave Italy, and I almost hate that we have to go, I love this place so much and all of us were granted so many opportunities here that I know will last a lifetime... I'll explain what I mean in just a moment. While we were here my dad's schedule was pretty straightforward: Shoot during the week, free on the weekends. So during the week me and the girls hung out around town, exploring, snapping photos, enjoying the atmosphere, and on the weekends my dad would have a driver take us around different cities in Italy. 

The first weekend we went to Milan, and we got to see Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper painting, and we explored the area for the day before coming back. The second weekend was a lot more action packed. We went to Florence were we saw Botticelli's Birth of Venus, Michelangelo's David statue, and The East Doors by Ghiberti. Last weekend we went to Vatican City, were we saw Michelangelo's Pieta, Raphael's School of Athens fresco painting, as well as his Transfiguration painting, and the Sistine Chapel. I was beyond humbled and inspired to have actually seen those works in real life, to actually see art that was made hundreds of years ago, and until that time had only seen them in the history books and on the internet, I was just so appreciative and thankful to have had that experience. 

A few times during the week we would hang out with my dad while he was out shooting, which brings me to the opportunities I was talking about. Some of the people at the magazine saw us hanging around and they talked to us, apparently my dad had also really talked us up to them as well, so Ryan and I showed them some of our work and they really liked it so they offered us a paid internship when we graduate, and they wanted Zendaya to model for them for some of the shots in the magazine. I even had the chance to shoot with my dad some days and I gave them some of my shots and they paid me for it, so all in all this vacation was a major win, for all of us. Ryan and I are really considering accepting the internship, thankfully we still have a year to decide. 

The one thing that absolutely astonished me was the fact that my mom respected my wishes and stayed in California. I just knew she was gonna hop on that plane the minute we got off the phone. But she kept her word, I'm impressed. Although, a small part of me is a bit skeptical, but only because of the way my mom has been so overly attached, I was sure she wouldn't last. But she did, and I won' complain. I did miss her terribly though; I've missed everyone so much. I tried to stay in contact with everyone as best as I could but the time difference and us being busy made it so hard to do it, but we managed. I can't wait to go home and see everyone, the girls and I decided that we wanted to surprise everyone so we're not telling them we're coming home today. Our flight leaves at 7 a.m. and it's still the previous day in L.A., so by the time we get back it'll be around 11 a.m. the next morning, though we'll internally be processing it as 8 p.m. It's all confusing as hell, so we decided that when we get back, we're going to spend the day resting and then surprise them tomorrow afternoon.

Currently we're at the airport about to board our flight. We sent a text to everyone telling them goodnight, so they won't think anything is different. I'll text Gram later tonight to let her in on the secret and have her get everyone together. As soon as we got settled, we turned put our phones on airplane mode and got comfortable. We were all up all night packing and enjoying our last night in Italy, and now that all-nighter has caught up with us. The instant the plane took off and was fully in the air sleep took over us all. 

10 hours later...

I woke up to find my dad right in front of my face, staring right at me. "Daddy!" I exclaimed, startled. He started laughing uncontrollably, "You're so weird." As he was having the laugh of his life, I was slowly getting my heartbeat back regular. 

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