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Y/n's POV

I woke up, my head was pounding.

I don't remember a single thing, my memory is beyond fuzzy.

I opened my eyes to find myself... in my old room?

I was laying on my bed, but my hands and ankles were chained.

Is this some sort of nightmare?

Everything is so fuzzy... how did I get here?

I felt beyond weak, there's no way I could break these chains in my condition, they were really thick.

I sat myself up against the cold wall and shivered.

"You're awake." A voice echoed.

My mother appeared out of the shadows of the room.

"M-mom?" I questioned.

"Hello, Y/n." She sat at the edge of my bed.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"Did you not miss me?" My mother asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"Did you miss me... when you decided not to come home, without a second thought?" My mom asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked, getting a little angry. "What do you want from me?"

"Now, now Y/n." My mother sat up straight. "You should know not to raise your voice with me."

I slumped my shoulders.

"Why did you run away?" Mom asked.

"I couldn't take it anymore..." I whispered. "The missions, the nonstop training, and for what?"

"I don't care about being a stupid zodiac." I muttered.

I felt a stinging on my face, not even have processed what happened.

My mother slapped me across the face, hard.

Her movement was so quick and my vision was still messed up I didn't even get to see her hand move.

I lifted my hand to my face, the chains barely reached that far.

"You ungrateful bitch!" She yelled, standing up. "I have given up everything for you!"

Yuki and my father burst through the door.

"Mom!" Yuki yelled running up to her.

My father followed, "Are you alright honey?"

My mom straightened herself out.

"I'm fine." She spoke shortly. "But this thing, is not my daughter."

My mother turned sharply and headed for the door.

"You keep an eye on Y/n, Yuki." My father demanded. "I'll check up with your mother."

Yuki nodded and my dad headed out, closing the door behind him, not even acknowledging me.

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