Brothers part 1

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(Talk of mpreg)
Stiles Pov

I was in bed I was really unwell and Scott was with me as I was getting bad headache's so he was taking my pain in stages, we had both not gone to school and if people walked in to my room right now you would think that me and Scott was dating as I was straddling his lap with my head on his shoulder. We are not dating we are best friends  we have a really close friendship we are more like brothers so it was a very normal  thing to do when I was unwell not so much for Scott as he is now a wolf so is hardly ever unwell. After a while I got up to go to the toilet, then we went down stair and order some pizza and when to door went Scott went to open it and went Stiles I said yes he said umm the pack is here, I said let them in I ran to the toilet as I was going to be sick so Scott let them in and came to me and was rubbing my back as I was panicking. After a while I went back to bed for a bit and forgot about the pack.

Derek pov

There was a pack meeting at the clinic but Scott and Stiles was a no show so we waited for a bit untill Liam said has any one seen them today? Lydia said wait no I have not I don't have lesson with them today though, Danny said no they was not in English or anything that I have with them, Jackson then said they was not there for practice after school which Scott should be as he is team captain. I said guys what if something is wrong like Stiles is normally the one to figure this out but what if someone has taken Scott as he is the alpha and taken Stiles because he is the human that runs with a pack like I know some of you are human but stiles is the only one apart from Allison to go to the forest or fight against anything, he also makes the plans. Mason said it could be because I'm human and have not been in this pack long and I really don't know what we deal with here but what if we check their house, they might have just stayed home and forgot there was a pack meeting. Isaac said that might be a good idea I mean I have a key for Scotts house as i live there but what about Stiles? Liam said I have one to Stiles house as I go to him if I can't get hold of Scott. I said come on then.

We get to Scotts house and knock on the door after we got no response Isaac opens the door and we check the house but it was all fine but Scott was not there so we left and isaac locked up and we went to Stiles house and knocked on the door and Scott answered it we said well we know there are fine now. Scott let us in and then ran to Stiles after a while Scott came back to us and we played a game on Stiles X-box until we hear Stiles shout Scott he said I'm on my way, Scott said to us if I don't come down in 10 minutes come to Stiles room. After ten minutes Scott was still not back so I said shall we go to Stiles room Mason said yes lets go, once we got there was was met with Stiles straddling Scott. Kira said umm shall we go if you was gay you could have told us I mean we would not have cared.

Stiles pov

Once I heard Kira's voice I lifted my head and said to Scott are you forgetting that you can hear things really well because a warning would have been nice? Scott said well sorry I was taking your pain away and trying not to kill my self with taking to much of your pain all in one go, I said what Scott you said it was fine and it would not hurt you. I got up off him and said why would you do that, Scott said because you are my brother and I hate to see you in pain I said oh now you know how I feel when I see you go up against different things by the way the worst one to watch was going against me. The pack then said wait your in pain i said only every now and again I had got a migraine so was throwing up and had a headache so Scott came over and we have been in bed all day. I turned to Scott and said did you ever get my pizza? He said umm bye and jumped out of my window, I turned to the pack and said let's go down stairs. Kira said where has he gone and is he OK? Derek and Liam both said he is fine and he has gone to get Stiles Pizza before Stiles kills him. I said yes what they said. Maila then said he jumped out of the window how will that not hurt him? I said because he has been doing it from a young age before he became a werewolf in fact so have I and I'm fine so I will say he good. Allison said its true I once got stuck in my room and nobody was in the front door was locked and both of the idiots climbed up to my bedroom window and then got me out and Scott jumped down and then Stiles told me to jump and Scott caught me then Stiles jumped landing on the floor and it was higher then Stiles and Scott windows.

There was a loud bang that came from my room, and then a shout I said get up your fine and you will heal and bring me my pizza. Once Scott came down I got my pizza and there was not enough room for everyone to sit so Lydia sat on Jackson lap Danny sat on Ethans lap and kira sat on Maila's lap Allison on Isaac's lap. The rest sat on the floor but Aiden said there is no way I'm sitting on Derek's lap Derek said yeah that's not happening, so Scott got up from where he was sitting and picked me up and then sat down I was on his lap all, the packs jaws hit the floor as we did not seem phased  I said look I don't care where I'm sitting as long as I got food. Scott then said I really don't care we are brothers I call his dad my dad and he calls my mom mom so I think it fair plus we used to bath together so this is the least of out worries. 

After I ate my pizza I said to the pack why are you all here? Mason said because the pack really can't survive with out Stiles, Scott said what do you mean? Mason said well you did not show up for pack meeting and then everyone said they had not seen you in school so Derek then said wait what if they have been taken, I said let not jump to conclusions and said why don't we check to see if they are home I said ok so it looks like humans  and I mean just humans are the only ones that have some common sense.

Scott's pov

The pack said thats not fair I said it is lets be real here only Danny, Mason and Stiles think things through and make sure we have back up plans like Allison did the first year of the pack but that was it and Lydia gives her in put sometimes but with out them we would all be dead. I see Stiles starting to gag and hold his mouth so I got up and I knew he would not make it up stairs so I took him to the back door where there is a bowl, he threw up again I said are you sure it just a migraine? He sais I'm pretty sure. Ok but you have been throwing up for a week and even worse in the mornings? He said if you are suggesting im pregnant then we seriously need to have a talk on how babies are made,  I said im not but im worried about you the last time you was this ill was when you came back from a party and slept with this guy. Stiles face went white I said you ok he said umm remember when we was sixteen and we went to our check ups? I said yes it was my mom that had to do it. I then went oh no Stiles when did you go to a party? He said when ever Lydia's was, and did you sleep with anyone? He said maybe, but i see your point now.

Stiles said to me can't you just smell it on me? Ummm yes kinda but I really can't tell if it is as it only been three weeks. I said Stiles you realise that the pack is in there right? He said I know but let me go and do a test and call dad and mom to come over and we will explain to the pack. I went back in and he went to the bath room I called mom and dad and told them they need to come home now, I said look we will explain in a moment we just have to wait for our parents to get home.

Stiles comes back down the same time as our parents come in and said Scott I don't know where they are? I said not in the draw? nope I checked there, Stiles they are in the back pack the one in the cupboard with everything else we hide. The pack said what are you looking for?  he ran up to me and said thanks.  once he went up stairs, i said to the pack a Test. he then came back down and i went over to him and i said where is it? he pulled it out of his pocket but only i could see what it was and he gave it to me, he starts to cry and said how could I have been so careless, i said Stiles I don't care ok I will still love you your are the best brother I could ask for and these results are not going to change that, however we do have some explaining to do and what do you want me to do with this? he said i will put it in a memory box, with the time and date on it. he turned to me and said are you doing this with me because this is got to one hell of a ride? I said of course i am Stiles. Maila said so are you going to explain what going on? i said yeah we are.

I said look umm please don't be mad when we tell you this and no killing anyone? They all said fine I said look Stiles has been sick for the past few mornings mom came over to him and gave him the are you pregnant look and he just burst in to tears  she said it will be ok I know dad won't love you less and neither will Scott and I, and just remember Scott is the Alpha so it will all be OK you will just have one protective pack. I said she is right but no more lacrosse for now. He said what another 9 months on a bench that will be hard.


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