Alpha Stilinski

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Malia pov

all the pack was going over to Scotts house for the day to do pack bonding all the pack was here and Scott's mom had let us in we go to Scott's room to find Derek Stiles and scott all in bed together. Stiles is in the middle and wakes up when we enter, Stiles went Derek you was ment to set the alarm,  Derek went not my fault i was the first to go asleep Stiles went Scott why didn't you do it? he said because you mouth was on mine and I could not focus. I went so any of you want to explain, we all go in to Scotts room and sit down Allison just goes and sits on the bed like it normal and the rest sit on the floor apart from Lydia who sits on the desk chair. Stiles went Liam or Isaac pass me my phone.

Stiles pov

I get my phone and I go to contacts and open a group chat which has humans of other packs. I phone it and Lily and Ally was the first to pick up i said hello bitches they went hey slut, I went where is James, Harry and Shannon? Ally went last i heard it  was pack bonding day. James and Harry joined and I said about time how do you do this all the time? they went it not our fault we are  Neighboring packs, i went ok calm down but where Shannon? James went probably with her pack on the way to the human convention on running with a pack of wolves, i went ok but how normal is it for a human to wake up to a pack staring at you with two werewolf by the side of you that did not here anything, Ally laughed and went you finally got caught did you Stiles, I went yeah i did now shut up also my pack is with me so careful if you don't want them to know things Harry said you will get used to it i promise how comes you are the one that his been doing this shit the longest and you was the last one to get caught? I went thats exactly why i know how to cover my tracks i learnt how to steady my heartbeat and i know how trick a pack of any supernatural creature but this time it was the boys fault as I was not the one in charge,Lily said whatever you say Slut, i  went someone get Shannon on call, James went she is joining now she joins and laughs and went so Two alphas Stiles i went to be fair i was the person to bring both packs together, Lily went yeah by fucking both Alphas with out both packs knowing. harry laughs and I said oh Har fuck off, he just laughs harder, i went you lot when do I have to go to the convention? Ally went i thought you was running the one this weekend in San Francisco i went shit am i really because im not gonna make it up there now? James went Nah your good yours is next week in LA i went ok can one of you send me the PowerPoints and shit then so I don't have to make it and who put my name down again? Lily said some in your pack did i went oh yeah well I got to go and Shannon don't get caught in San Francisco because we are all kinda busy but that means nothing as I will still end up helping.

I went yes im sleeping with both alpha no i was not planning to get caught but i did, yes i know a lot of other packs no im not leaving and finally who put my name down to run the convention? Scott went not me so was either Allison or Lydia i went which one of you Allison just leans over Derek and kisses my forehead and went sorry baby bro I went your forgiven Alli bear, Lydia said what is all that about guys, Allison went inside joke. I went i forgot to ask why are you all? they went its pack bonding day i went ok. my phone was ringing so I answered it and said hello  it was the groupchat Shannon went we have a problem? Harry said ok what happened? she said hunters just walked in to the convention, Ally went ok umm is your pack out of there? Shannon said all but the pup. i went shit, how much training and control do they have? Shannon said not a lot as she loses control when on her period. Lily went ok umm who is the closest alpha, hunter, human and full pack? James went the second tidy hunters would be the smiths, the Human Would be Stiles the pack would be the golden Gate Bridge pack and the Alpha would be Alpha Charlotte Willon. Ally went ok we can work with that, i went do you need me there i can get there in six hours? Shannon went no because im still here but I probably will need you on the phone. Lily went ok so the Smiths are on the way i also have Alpha on the way to your pack and the pack is 10 minutes out from you. i went ok shan how close are you to the hunters? she went 8 steps away, ok now go and talk to them see what's the mater why they are there and then let Harry decide what the best thing to do. Shannon went so how can i help you lovely people to today? they said we are look for a girl that should not be here she is in danger and we are her to help her. Shannon said so what are the gun and bow and arrow for then. they went to kill the girl if she don't listen. Shannon said ok. and pulled her phone back out of the pocket and said what do it do now? harry went yeah i have nothing better off asking Stiles he's the one that has to rescue his pack the most, i went yeah it true but how old is the pup? Shannon went 13 i went fuck ok well out youngest is 15 and 16 plus all the girls in my pack are my age so let me think what to do. Lily went you could lead them away get the rest of your pack and then the other alpha and pack that's there lead them to the Cave near there where the smiths keep everything. I went yeah do that but once the smiths are with you and once your far away go back and get you pup and make sure its you that goes in, and make sure your armed and you dont know if there was a hunter that stayed back with the pup then get out of there and make sure to take the Laptop and all other thing that we don't need people seeing. they went thanks Stiles I went its what i do Ally and James went thanks Alpha I went shut up, Lily went it true though I went it could be true but are you forgetting my pack is here. Harry went its fine you still human, Shannon went own it Stiles you can get hunters, packs and alphas to submit to you. Lily went on top of that you are Technically the alpha of humans in packs. i went well to be fair i was running with a pack before most of you it because of me really packs changed. they then said in sync thanks for saving our packs asses again, bye Alpha Stilinski or is it Hale or McCall? I went it's Stilinski for now and you know it now bye and please don't get in trouble i can't be bothered to fly to London again for your packs.

Liam went Alpha? I went yeah kinda. Ethan said explain? I said ok so I was one of the first humans to have been brought in to a pack that was not born in to a pack, then all of a sudden other people was messaging me asking me how does this work and how do you help a pack and  i have just found out about supernatural and i then became the person everyone went to i know most hunter familys I know most Alpha and Packs and I know all of the humans that run with packs, so over time  one of the new humans was about 13 and said to me Alpha Stilinski what happens if my pack gets caught as im the human and the youngest? I said to her she was to call me and i would help her from that day on people started calling me Alpha as I was the one that made decisions and they was used to a pack dynamic so the younger humans started it and over time every one was calling me it I even have a 60 year old calling me Alpha, now only Scott, Allison and Lydia new about the conventions but me and James started to do them around the world we knew how to advertise them and everything with Ally, Lily, Harry and Shannon joined in on the planning and then we was the ones to run then i have rescued more packs than I can count and now my pack has finally found out. Erica said why do you call us your pack? i went because even though I'm human you all listen to me even Derek and Scott sometimes you don't even notice it but in school you all wait my by jeep when you want something.

My phone went again i answered hello Stilinski speaking, they went hello this is Alpha Jones from San Diego I have a pack member here that needs help is 15 years old they are a Werecyote and they don't like to trun as they are scared to lose control, i went ok so what do you  me want to do? you know my specialty is beta Werewolfs, Alpha Jones went please Alpha Stilinski I went fine send them with your human to LA and I will help them get control ok. Alpha Jones went thank you good bye. i went i really regret that night we went to the woods now Scott, He went so do i but we have also gained a lot from it i mean half of us are now front line on the Lacrosse team, we have our own personal cheerleaders, we have made many friends,  and we have learn lots of things and most of all we finally admit our feeling for each other and Derek.

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