hey here you are

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(if you don't like the idea of three people in a relationship then i recommend you dont read this)

Aiden pov

Today we had a pack meeting it was at Stiles House and Scott was here, along with Derek and my brother and we was waiting for everyone, slowly everyone else started to show up when Malia said we are all here but Allison does anyone know where she is? i said have not seen he since yesterday morning sorry, Stiles runs up stairs and then came back down and went i went to get my phone to phone here but it dead so can someone else.

Scott's pov

I looked at Stiles like he was mad as Allison was in his bed and i got my phone out and typed something and showed it to him and he took the phone off me and typed back it won't ring i have knocked it off and placed a note to jump out the window? I then spoke out loud and said ok, Lydia says its fine i can tell her later and and we are all talking and playing games when we heard some one walking down the stairs now Stiles and i new who it was, Allison said Stiles where the hell is my Underwear, he went Why the fuck would i know ask Scott, she was on her phone when she looked up she saw the full pack staring at her she had got a pair of Stiles boxers on and one of my tops. i went so much for the note Stiles, he went not my fault i put it on top of her phone, she then came over to us and laid her self across Stiles and i, Kira said um what going on, before Allison and i could answer Stiles said they stayed in my room as Scott snuck out and left his keys there and when he shut his window it locked and Allison she was with Scott as they went on a date and it would mean i would have to drive her home so she stayed as well and i stayed in the guest room, his Heart skipped a beat when he said the last part and Jackson went want to try telling the truth, Stiles went no, Allison went Stiles you can tell them, Stiles went i can't they will hate me, they will think I'm using you, i can't because it embarrassing as I have hurt you by saying this I can't tell them Allison I can't they will never see me as the person I am again, he had tears streaming down his face and was going in to a panic attack and i knew i had to do something. as he was starting to bite his lip and pick his nails, i kissed him and he stopped and calmed down until he heard the gasps of the pack and said Scott you made it worse. he the looked at the staircase deciding if he should make a run for it  the works him up even more so Allison kissed him.

when she pulled back she said if you talk any more about this I will do it in school as well as in public, I went Shit Stiles you know she does not joke, Stiles went i know don't you remember when we did not go to school that it was her that screamed at me out side the school when I picked her up. i went yeah i know I had to go in to work because of something you done, Allison went if you dont shut up i will take the keys away for your jeep and bike then I will have to take you every where and you both hate my driving. Stiles and i looked at each other and said we are sorry, We love you please don't take the keys, the last time you drove us we nearly crashed. She went thats what I thought, but now it time we explain, i went if you was part if the pack in the beginning then you will know what im on about so Derek, Isaac, Lydia, Jackson, Erica, Boyd and the twins i think, but when the three of us sacrificed our selfs for our parents, the nemeton linked us all together that was three years ago for years we have tired to disconnect from each other we have been around the world to many druids and no one knows anything. Stiles has nightmares every night, Allison needs to be close to Stiles or me, and if im not by one of them when I turn I lose control, it has taken us years to get in to a routine where we would not get caught by you, if stiles was to go in to a panic attack we would grab his hand or if in a private area kiss him, if we go out of sight to Allison when we are fighting she moves forward or one of us drops back a bit. and me i look for their heartbeat and their scent if I could not hear or smell them i would not change. after a while it became normal for all three of us to kiss each other if public only Allison and i did but private it was all of us, we worked out if we are close together our mind are separate if we are far apart our mind automatically link.

we done research, Stiles stepped in and said no you two was messing about and playing games I done the research but carry on, i then said we learnt that skin to skin helped easy the mind we think it is more of a wolf thing for me, but it worked for so we still do it, and that is why Allison was in Stiles room and clothes, Danny went there is something else, and Allison yeah there is occasional we all have sex and with that sentences Stiles bolted, i looked at Allison and she said i know it was stupid but dont worry my mind is linked with his and he is with his dad, Mason said that what he panicked about isn't it he was scared we would say he is using you to for sex, he was embarrassed that he got involved with your relationship but had to keep it quiet so people would not say things about you and when he said them things to you he hurt you better yet he did not know how to react. i knew Stiles had been near as Allison could no longer feel him i know because she squeezed me hand. we heard a voice say yeah Mason that was exactly why I ran. Allison got up and went over to him and said never ran like that again and never be Embarrassed about it because look at it this way we alway have some one to sleep with because half of the time Scott decides that he would rather study i went hey thats not true, they both went shut up we had a lecture last night on how cats give birth all we wanted to do was sleep or maybe have sex but we yet again had and animal lecture.

(A/N this is not my best work but it will work but might delete it latter)

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