Stuck in an elevator(Lunatail)

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Luna, Cricket, Sundew, Blue, and Swordtail had decided to go to the mall since Sundew needed new football gear, Cricket wanted to get some new jeans, and Blue was one of those people who just followed others around. Luna and Swordtail strayed from the pack to get some food to eat. 

They went, holding hands, into the elevator. But as they were going up, it stopped. The elevator had stopped. THE FRICKIN' ELEVATOR HAD STOPPED!!!

Luna was panicking inside, what if they were stuck in here forever? What if they DIED in here? 

"Swordtail, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" Luna was going full on Darkstalker. 

In the movies Luna had watched, it was always a couple that got stuck in the elevator. Maybe Luna would be able to confess to Swordtail! Maybe they could become a couple after all! She just needed the right moment. Ugh why?! The one time she didn't pack perfume. It would have made the confession SO much easier. 

"Uh...Luna?" Swordtail had a sheepish semi-smile on his face.


"I like you too, Luna but um, look." He pointed a finger at the front of the elevator. "We didn't push the button."

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