[16] Valentine's Day

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So y'all got any plans for the 14th?
(Both are 18 in this)

3rd Person Pov

Mike stood in front of his mirror, going over each part of his clothing and fixing his hair every now and then. He adjusted his watch a few times, too.

This was the first time they were going to spend a Valentine's day together completely alone. Now that both of them were eighteen, they spent a lot of time alone.

They hadn't done much, El still kept her innocence. Though most people didn't believe her. He wasn't sure what was going to happen today, but he doubted anything like that would happen.

Part of Mike was waiting for his mother to call him downstairs, but he had moved out into his own apartment. His fingers fluffed his hair out once more before straightening his black hoodie.

"Why did I just attempt to straighten out a fucking hoodie," He said shaking his head. Under his hoodie he was wearing a long sleeved plaid shirt and blue jeans.

Eleven was unsure of what to wear. It wasn't supposed to be fancy or anything, but she felt as if she couldn't wear something super casual.

"What does Mike like?" She whispered to herself. She looked in her closet once more, finding a pair of jeans shorts, an oversized hoodie, and a plaid shirt dress, unintentionally matching Mike.

Mike's pov

I jumped when I heard my phone buzz and mentally slapped myself for it. Picking it up, I saw the text was from El.


Are you almost ready?

                                    Yep, I'll come pick
                          you up in a few minutes?

Okay, I'll be waiting ❤️

My heart fluttered. I wonder what she'll wear?

A few minutes later, I had arrived at El's. I could already see Hopper's glare through the door before he opened it. She hadn't gotten her own place, yet.

The door opened gently to reveal Eleven, Hopper was in fact glaring at me behind her.

I couldn't see what she wore underneath, but the oversized hoodie looked adorable on her.

"Ready to go?" I said, trying to ignore Hopper's deadly eyes.

"Of course," She said in a sweet tone. She grabbed a bag before coming outside and saying bye to Hopper.


Back to 3rd person pov

"You look adorable," Mike said as they arrived at a restaurant.

"Thank you," El said in a small voice, blush rushing to her face as well as a gentle smile.

Mike opened his door, fast walking to the other side of the car to open the door for El. Her smile widened a bit as he held out a hand for her to grab onto.

Her hand in his, Mike shut the door and they went inside. As soon as the are seated, Mike took off his hoodie.

"You look handsome in that plaid," El told him. He smiled with a bit of blush creeping onto his face.

"Wait, I think I accidentally matched you. . ." El said and took off the oversized hoodie. Both had red plaid. They laughed lightly, but Mike was also in a trace from how beautiful she looked.

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