Looking for Deku

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The fog started to roll in thick and heavy, practically rendering the poor Omega blind.

"Why did I fall for him!?" He cried helplessly to himself, hot tears spilling from his green eyes. "Kacchan doesn't really love me! He's only here because of...because of this thing!"

A branch snapped behind him making him jump and close his eyes tight. Surely the fog would be enough to hide him, if not then he was fucked.

"Deku!?" A voice desperately called from behind him. "Please! I'm sorry!" 
Was that Kacchan's voice!?

"GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" The green haired teenager screamed at the disembodied voice. "I never want to see you again!" Maybe it was the hormones, but deku really felt like he meant all of those words.

"Please! I'm sorry, can we at least talk?" Bakugou called out while trying to get to the Omega through the thick fog, all the while trying not to slam into a tree. He ducked and Weaver and dodged, finally spotting another silhouette nearby. Got him! Bakugou thought to himself as he got closer.
"Deku...I really love you. So please come back with me." The explosive Pomeranian spoke softly while seeking up to grab the boy.

"I-" deku was stopped as two strong arms wrapped around him from behind and held him close. He gasped out of surprise.

The taller boys warm breath caressed his ear, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.
"Never leave me behind, okay?" Bakugou whispered in his ear.

"..." Deku couldn't say anything, all he could do was grab onto Katsuki's arms and cry. He was hurting. Hurting so bad that nothing could make him feel better, except for his Alpha.
Bakugou's Alpha pheromones began to fill the air, calming the pregnant Omega considerably.
His tears eventually stopped along with his anger.

"I'm s-so sorry, Kacchan." Deku sobbed, turning in Katsuki's hold so he could bury his face in his chest. "I'm s-sorry that you're s-stuck with me!"

Bakugou shook his head and simply stroked Deku's head. There was no need for words, as deku already understood what he meant.

"Thank y-you."

Bakugou smiled and kissed the crown of Deku's head. "No problem."

Was It Me? - BNHA Omegaverse (BakuDeku Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now