There Is No God!

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Jeff's POV

I groan, forcing myself to walk back towards Slendy's mansion. I focus on moving putting one foot infront of the other. Left, Right,Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. I run into a tree and for a second im dazed. Shaking my head I check my surroundings. Im in the forrest, and I can here faint noises going about them. Its late and I know I should get back to Slendy's but something compels me to go towards the sound. I follow the noise, it's almost as if its pulling me. The soft sounds turn to sniffs then screams then to pleas and beggs. I cant quite make the words out until I get close to an opening. I peer through trees and I relize its where I am. Nick is in the middle of the opening sitting approximately five feet away from her wooden pile. Shes on her knees and leaned over her arms on the ground crossed over eachother and her face buried in them. Her dark black hair shines purple in the moon light, it's a mess and its whipping around in the air, her but is sitting on top of her heels. She screams lifting her face towards the sky. "Im so foolish!" I cring, I've never heard anything this distraught. She screams "What god would put me through such hell!!" She leans back on her heels, bringing grass and dirt in her fist. "There is no god!!Only pain!!" She throws the dirt as she screams. Her face is a mess, dirt covers it and tears have washed away paths over it. She lets out a scream, and it's as if shes having her heart ripped out of her fragile body. She slumps over, dropping her head. And faintly it looks like she is a general accepting defeat in war. "I had never seen an angel until I met you, but I guess I had forgotten even Satan himself was an angel" she turns her face, she is looking dead at me. Our eyes lock and I know she knows im here, I make my way for her and she stands backing away.
"She is in enough hurt, leave her be" self consciencely I repeat that of which my mind says. Her face remains impassive but her eyes are storming with emotion. "She doesn't need your crap, leave her. Its better if you leave her" I repeat. She hold her hands up to stop me and I grip her wrist pulling her towards me and kissing her. I move my lips to her ear "I may be Satan, but that just means I know what angels are" she is covered in filth and leading me to believe she's been out her for hours. At this moment I dont care, she can be the lowest of low's or the richest or the rich right now I just want her to be mine. I place my hand on her cheek kissing her again and again and eventually she returns the love. I smile against her lips. Dropping my hand to hers I grip it. "If you ever want to leave, you can" I say repeating the words I first said to her at Slendy's. I pick her up throwing her over my shoulder and she screams, gripping onto me. "PUT ME DOWN!!" She screams bashing my back playfully and I carry her back to the mansion.

WARNING: The next chapter may contain sexual manner. If you do not want to read such things skip over it, you wont miss much xD so yea thats that. Thanks for reading.

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