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Hey sorry this took SO long--- I kinda got busy and had hella bad writers block lol.

Suga watched as he passed through large gates, he didn't know where he was or why he was walking towards the marble city but he paused seeing Oikawa, there he laid in the mud of this foreign city unconscious and bleeding.

Blood slid down his face til it sunk deep into the earth, his breathing was shallowed and a deep cut in his side ruined his royal gown. Why was he here? Where ever here was. He had no crown, his sword was gone and his clothes muddied, but it was then flames arose around them as the familiar halls of the rich kingdom Oikawa ruled fell apart.

Suga quickly ran over to get Oikawa out of danger but he stopped seeing that they were in the throne room where the knight; Kyotani, sat with a smile filled with pride.

Daichi jumped as Suga's eyes quickly opened, his lovers body burned with a fever as he tried to get out of bed. "Hey wait, you don't look good stay here." Suga seemed to calm hearing Daichi's voice, looking over Daichi was only a blur in the dim light.

"It's okay, you rest okay? I will take care of you."

The Dane leaned in pressing a gentle kiss onto his lover's forehead, hearing the boy hum happily he stayed for a moment longer before hearing. "I'm happy here, at home with you."


Oikawa felt himself fall asleep as his horse walked on the path towards nowhere, it had been like this for days, where was he? Who was he? Certainly not a king, not even a peasant, just a lost soul wandering the wilderness.

As his eyes closed he could smell smoke, and the whispers of townsfolk filled his ears, his hands gripped tightly at the reins as his horse came to a stop. "Someone get him inside he looks sick."

Oikawa felt himself being dragged away, he didn't want to open his eyes, he was tired and sleep was ready to welcome him. Was it sleep? Maybe it was Death, but he disguised himself as something more comforting for him.

"Hey wake up, you cant go to sleep just yet."
Inside his mind he prayed silently: 'Oh lord what have I done for this? To be thrown to the feet of a stranger?'

After a few days he opened his eyes only to be met with the view of a wooden house, slowly sitting up his mouth was dry, he needed water. The door opened revealing an old woman, was she the one who was taking care of him?

"Oh, well I see you're awake."
She had a strange accent as she handed him a cup of water to witch he desperately drank from as a laugh left the lady. "You act as if I haven't been taking care of you."

"Where am I?"
"Scotland, and by the looks of it you're obviously not from here." 

"No, I'm not, I'm from England."
The lady's eyes widened as a knock at the door came, quickly getting, up the door opened revealing a tall olive haired man and a red headed one. "Ushijima, Tendou? Uh welcome to my hom-"

The two walked past her until they stood in front of Oikawa.
"Why aren't you at your kingdom?"

"It's not my kingdom anymore, so I cant really go back as much as you want me to."
"Where are you trying to get to?"

That was the question Oikawa didn't know, where was he trying to get to? Paris? Norway? Who knew. "I don't know."

"You can stay here for three days, but then you must leave or we'll sell you to someone."
"Wait! Give me a boat please."

"Why should we give you a boat? You've tried to take our lands multiple times Oikawa."
"I'll go to Paris, you'll never see me again, please."

Ushijima nodded before leaving with Tendou, the red head had a sinister smile as he waved goodbye.


Hi I wrote this chap like two days ago and have no ideas so here's what ya get for rn.

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