Chapter 1: Arrival

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It was dawn, and the sun began to rise from the horizon. The warmth of the sun reached out across the vast blue, splitting the sky into two hues. The morning air was always cool and refreshing during this time of year. Mickey was sitting on the passenger side of the car, as his uncle drove down a snake-like path through the mountain side inhabited by dense foliage.

As Mickey leaned his head against the cool touch of the window, the morning rays gently outlined his innocent, yet handsome face. His gaze was fixated on the grand view of the horizon, staring senselessly at it. Mickey's mind, however, was thinking about the unfortunate event that had led him to this situation. What had gloomed over the sixteen-year-old boy's head was the recent death of his parents. Mickey's father had gone on a business trip abroad last month, and his mother tagged along. The two planned to spend their vacation together, after his father had finished up work related business there. Sadly, both Mickey's parents had passed away in a car accident during their trip, orphaning him.

Therefore, it was decided that Mickey was to live with his grandparents and uncles in the city before the new school year began. Mickey and his parents had lived in the rural areas by the mountain sides, where it was not a far distance from the city if one were to drive. Mickey was glad to be living with his grandparents, who were in their early sixties. They were vendors who sold fresh produce, and Mickey always spent his summer vacations living with them, running their family's stall.

While in the car, Mickey's uncle, Goh, could sense the stillness that surrounded him and his nephew. Goh was a thirty-year-old man who worked as an officer at the local police station, and the second youngest child of Mickey's grandparents. While Mickey's father was the eldest amongst the four siblings. Goh wore thin metal glasses and was an average height for a man his age. He had stayed the night at Mickey's home to help pack and move Mickey's belongings. Goh could not help but make quick glances at his nephew from time to time while driving. He could see the grief that emitted from the young boy, seeing Mickey like this weighed his heart heavy.

How could you two just abandon your son like this? A boy his age still needs the love and care of his parents. Sigh..., Mickey, I hope that living with us, can keep your mind off this..., Goh said to himself.

He then began to speak in a warm and assuring voice, wanting to break the silence ever since they had left Mickey's old house, "Mickey, I know you're heartbroken about what had happened, but remember we are still your family. Even though we cannot give you the same love your mom and dad had given you, we can still give you the love that a family can give."

Mickey felt at ease hearing those comforting words from his uncle, but truthfully, he could not fully understand the meaning behind those words. "we can still give you the love that a family can give".

Is not all love the same? Mickey wondered.

With little reaction, Mickey genuinely replied, "Thank you uncle. I know that all of you will always care for me, but don't worry or think I am deeply hurt because of my parents. I've already accepted that they're gone and there's no need to give me any special treatment. I am still the same person with or without my parents."

Silence then filled the car once again, as Goh could not conjure any words in response to his nephew.


Mickey was not the only one who would be arriving that day. His cousin, Rain, was being sent to live there as well. Rain was the same age as Mickey, and the daughter of a high ranking general. Her mother was the second eldest child amongst Mickey's grandparents. Rain had come from a well-off family; they were not extremely rich, but wealthy enough to live a comfortable life for the rest of their days. Never had she experienced true hardship, Rain was a spoiled girl who lacked morals and mannerism.

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