Chapter 5: Do you really like me? Or really want to be my friend?

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Two weeks have passed since school began, and the strange feelings residing in Mickey's heart had grown over those passing days. The more time he had spent with Hyung, the more Mickey had realized something was off about himself. Thoughts in Mickey's mind wanted Hyung to be more than friends, he desired something that surpassed camaraderie. Mickey had never felt like this before, let alone having these kinds of feelings for someone of the same sex.

Deep inside Mickey's core, he felt it was not normal for him to develop such attraction. It was like a natural born instinct, he knew if he expressed this side of him openly, he surely would be judged and outcasted. Therefore, Mickey kept this infatuation to himself, making sure no one would know of his secret. He also considered the high possibility Hyung would not reciprocate the same feelings back, so he was content with just being friends.

During class, Mickey had a daily routine of staring mindlessly at Hyung's back, imagining how soft each strand of Hyung's glistening hair would feel between the space of his fingers. The fresh scent of clean laundry could always be smelt on Hyung's clothes, causing Mickey's senses to go crazy. Mickey had wished Hyung been placed in a different seat, it was too much to bear, being a mere foot apart from the boy he liked. To his luck, a student from the back row could not see well and had to swap seats with Hyung.

Once break period began, Mickey, Michelle and Hyung went to eat at the cafeteria. At least twice a week the three had agreed to eat together. While enjoying their meal, Hyung used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of fried squid from his container and placed it into Mickey's bowl.

"Try this! It tastes really good, my mom made it." Hyung said in an excited voice.

That moment, Mickey was conflicted with two feelings, the first was happiness from Hyung's sweet gesture. The second was an empty feeling of loneliness, as he heard Hyung mention the word mom. Mickey was reminded of the times when his mother used to make lunch for him. Even till now, the thought that his parents were no longer with him still had not settled in yet. It was as if they were still on vacation and Mickey was waiting for them to return. Suddenly, his train of thoughts came to a halt by Michelle.

"Hey! How come you didn't give any food for me to try!?" Michelle cried, while pushing Hyung's shoulders back and forth.

While being bullied by her, Hyung playfully snickered, trying to explain himself, "That's because you hate squid! You should be happy that I remember the things you hate."

"You should remember the things I like, not the things I hate!" Michelle retorted.

Michelle turned her attention towards Mickey, her wide eyes sparkled brightly from the natural lighting through the windows. The corners of her pink lips rose into an alluring smile.

"Besides, you've never offered me food once before Hyung. I think Hyung treats you too good, ever since you came here, Mickey." She spoke in a mischievous way, turning her gaze to the ceiling. "And after all these years we been friends, I have never seen Hyung act so kind to anyone before." She elaborated, while waving her chopsticks around.

Slight disbelief surfaced all over Hyung's face. He used his index finger to hover at the middle of Michelle's forehead, while trying to justify his actions.

"You make me sound like a heartless person!" Hyung turned to Mickey, "Don't listen to her. She's just jealous I don't treat her as good as I treat everyone else. I treat everyone nice except her, hahaha!" Hyung said, while laughing deviously.

Without saying a word, Michelle crossed her armed and stuck her tongue out at Hyung. Mickey watched his two friends' bicker, as they tried to one up each other. Mickey thought it was quite humorous and chuckled whole heartedly at the situation.

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