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This was a prior message before I began updating Zayn's, His Hope.  You're welcome to read this Update or skip to the prologue. . .

Hi everyone!

2020 was a tough year for all of us. Some more than others. I know I've been MIA (missing in action) for a long, long time. Like all of you, I've been through a lot since completing His Yasmina in January 2020. The true reality of the pandemic hit us all a little afterwards which took us all on a suspenseful, deliberating situation which has tested our health, patience, will, and our hope at times.

Aside from watching the news on the edge of our seats, dealing with countries, states and the world closing down in order to help decline the curve of this virus, I was in the process of moving from one home to another, add Online schooling, stressfully adjusting to the new way of life, responsibilities shifting, family having health issues (not from corona) it's been one hell of a year which did not help my imagination OR motivation in any way whatsoever. Its super distressing and hard to find that freedom of thought when your head is muddled with other stuff that weighs you down. Plus changing the environment in which you are so used to writing everyday for almost 5 years didn't help.

So many of you were expecting a new book update beginning of this new year 2021, and trust me, that was the plan since last January. What I originally planned was taking a long break before beginning brainstorming for Zayn St. James' story. During that time I take off, I start what I call "daydreaming" scenarios or episodes that I conjure up based on my imagination.

But sometimes things just don't work the way we mapped out or expected.

I miss writing, updating, and interacting with you through comments.

As I try to get back into the groove of things, I do have an update:
I somewhat have an idea of who I'd like to include in Zayn's story. I also have a small idea of how it should start but I do not have a middle or ending in sight yet. For this round of writing, I'd like to have it all solidly outlined and mapped out before I begin weekly updates. Preparations take time and lots of thought. I've already pre-planned this story to be shorter in length (chapters) than His Duchess, His Camelia, and His Yasmina. Even though this story may not be as long as the others, it will stand out.

If you know my style. You know I always like to change things up with new adventures and leave you with a great experience you never forget.

I look forward to being your your weekly Friday entertainment once again. Enjoy His Hope's blurb and the cover for now. When I'm ready and have a solid idea how I'd like the story to flow, I will surly let you know. Just be patient with me while I try to work my magic.

I do plan on responding to ALL the comments on all three stories and what's been posted on my message board eventually.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive.


P.S. Zayn on the cover will be played by Italian actor, Giulio Berruti.

P.P.S For new readers, If you haven't read the others in the "His" series please do give them a read. I promise they won't disappoint.

  I promise they won't disappoint

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His Hope [Zayn][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now