Chapter 7- Champagne

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After a day of shopping and hands loaded with bags, Hope and Sammy's driver, provided by Zayn, dropped them off at Hyde Park. 

The park was beautiful with trails, trees, and birds.  It was a sunny day although cold, the sun melting the left behind snow.  The park was littered with people taking a stroll, running, biking, and enjoying the sunshine for a short period of time.  It was a relief after days of horrid weather no thanks to the relentless snow.

"We'll get somethin' to eat before round two of our shopping extravaganza.  I've only ever been here once with Jasmine."  Sammy started to say referring to the park, looping their arms together.  "The park looks nicer in the summer.  There's a restaurant that I never got to try no thanks to that hot piece of sex, Mr. Gorgeous."

Hope gave him a sideways glance. "Mr. Gorgeous?"

"He's a hot sinful Italian hunk of a man that was after Jazzy's fine ass. All hell broke loose that day!"  He says with a shudder running through his body.  "I swear goosebumps popped out all over my body just recalling all the shit she and I went through!"

"Sounds like a scary time."  Hope commented as they continued down the path.

She was only half listening, her eyes darting all around her continuously, checking her surroundings always on the lookout for danger.  When she was on the streets, she was camouflaged in a large jacket, dirty baggy clothes and hidden in the shadows, invisible and away from people.  Now she was exposed out in the open and didn't like it one bit. 

"Don't you dare tell a living soul about what I'm about to say but that time of my life caused me to sprout my first gray hair!"  He exclaimed. 

Despite herself, Hope giggled, covering her smile behind her hand.

In the short time, for the past two days to be exact, Sammy, she quickly learned, was too cute.  She loved his honesty, his uncensored mouth and bold personality.  Although slightly intimidating, he was a gem.

"So you and Zayn's sister, Jasmine, are best friends?"  She asks, continuing on the path to the restaurant Sammy wanted to visit. 

Sammy waved a hand in the air.  "Camelia the youngest is my first best friend of the family.  That girl and I went to school together.  She was as silent as a book worm, poor thing.  But now that she's gotten to meet moi."  He says placing a hand over his chest.  "She's still quiet but on a completely badass level.  Jasmine is the second oldest, a firecracker and the boss at the hotel before Zayn took over.  She has the spunk and balls of the family.  She and I bonded when I was here last time.  It wasn't too long afterwards that she and I became besties.   We did everything known to man together.  We were even engaged once." 

He shrugs like it was nothing.

Hope's eyes pop wide open. "Engaged? But–but I thought–" she stuttered.

He's gay.  How was it possible that he was engaged to a female?   Was he straight before?  Hope shook the thought. The way Sammy holds himself, acts, dresses. . . It appeared like he had been gay all his life.  It wasn't a random decision made recently.  

Hope was too embarrassed to ask him to elaborate.

Sammy winks.  "I know what you're thinking.  It's a long story.  Maybe I'll tell ya about it someday."

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