Chapter 20-The Mark

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Hope descended the steps of the hotel with Reginald and two other employees in tow carrying down her luggage to the awaiting in a Grey Range Rover. Colin, hands in his pockets, stood beside the vehicle waiting for her.

He looked very modern in black jeans and a black tucked-in, long sleeve shirt.

The difference between Colin and Zayn was like night and day. It wasn't just their appearances, it was the way they held themselves. Zayn always appeared so self-assured and in control. Colin was a careful, calculated man.

Hope tilted her head and finally looked at him, searching his face. Colin was handsome, but not in the dark, ruggedness Zayn possessed. She always had the urge to compare the two and Zayn always won.

He offered her a small half smile. His clear blue eyes tender and filled with longing, the same amounts of longing she'd seen in the eyes of Zayn.

The liar. Keeping up the pretenses, as usual.

Colin would never amount to half the man Zayn was. Never.

She managed to return his smile, hers weak as she struggled to regain control over the fear she had of him. He reached over and squeezed her hand soothingly before reluctantly releasing her.

She took a deep breath to calm herself but it made little difference. Her lower lip was trembling. Her chest was tight. Her heart was pounding, overwhelmed with sadness and despair.


She smiled tightly.

Reginald holds open the door for her and helps her into the passenger seat.

"Thank you Reginald and thank you for everything you've done for me."

Reginald smiles. "It has been my utmost pleasure, Miss. Please, come visit us again."

He was being genuine, Hope could tell. Unbeknown to him, he would never see her ever again.

Eventually, they will find out what she did. She took advantage of their kindness–fooled them all. It would destroy their faith and trust in others.

Guilt twisted her heart.

She was a monster.

"I will miss you very much Reginald. Take care of yourself."


Reginald nods with a smile.

She swallowed the lump in her throat as the door closed. Hope realized her hands were clasped in a death grip.

Her luggage was still being loaded in the trunk while the back seats were folded to accommodate more of her things.

She watched Colins shake hands and thank Zayn's employees in the side-view mirror. Climbing into the driver's seat, he buckled his seat belt, started the car, and drove off and away from the hotel.

"Is it done?" Colin asked, five minutes later.

Zayn was the mark after all and she most certainly fulfilled the mission.

"Yes." She responded shifting in her seat to stare out the passenger window. "The transfer went through earlier today."


The road blurred as tears swamped her eyes. She kept them closed as if it would keep herself together, keep pieces of herself just for her.

"You know Lily, I must admit, it's a bit difficult for me to accustom myself to your transformation. I never expected such a. . .change."

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