Chapter 13- Erotic

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She stood in a corner, unseen, still contemplating if she should reveal herself when she caught sight of him.  

Mesmerized, Zayn emerged sauntering in her direction.  Partially concealed by a wall and a large planter camouflaged by its leafy foliage, Hope lowered a dark leaf so she could get a better view.

He loomed large, his frame a testament to male magnificence, muscled sinew moving beneath smooth skin with easy fluidity.  Dark, springy hair covered his chest.  She gazed without shame as the powerful expanse of his wide shoulders and his lean, tapered waist. 

Her mouth went dry and the sudden increase of her pulse made her fingers curl into her palms. The urge to close the few feet spreading them and lay her palms against that mat of black hair and feel the muscles beneath was overwhelming. 

She sighed.  He was so sinfully handsome.  His black hair nearly made his eyes black from such a distance, too, beneath his long, heartbreaking lashes. 

Her growing reaction to him alarmed her.  Admittedly, it was the sole reason she had originally refused to join him.  She was a fool to lie to herself.

His eyes darted right then left, searching for her.  Of course, he must have checked if she was still tucked inside the room across from his own. 

With a tremble that ran through her whole body, she decided to show herself and get it over with.  Mind made up, she released the springy leaf, smoothed down the wrap over the swimsuit, and walked out.  She looked around, heart pounding, realizing she was about to expose herself. 

Zayn held her gaze for a few heart-stopping seconds, and she saw his eyes darken as he searched her face, her eyes, then his gaze skimmed over her hair and came to rest on her lips, lingering there far longer than he should have until she licked them self-consciously. 

The strength of the urge to touch him was almost more frightening than entering the pool and she jerked her eyes upward, staring directly into his eyes.  She wanted to run to him and risk, challenge, the naked hunger in his eyes.

Her thoughts were becoming much too bold for comfort. The attraction between them was growing. She could feel it, sense it, in every recess of her body.

When Zayn sees her, he can't help but stare.  She had changed so much in the course of a month since he found her.  She was brittle and thin but now she had filled up nicely.  Her legs and thighs were fuller, rounder.  Her waist is still slender but now shaped. 

Her breasts. 

Zayn had to swallow hard.  They had swelled up beautifully, plump and rounded, nearly overflowing in the one piece swimsuit peeking through the mesh cover-up dress.

She was simply exquisite.  Incredible. 

Her hair pushed forward over one shoulder.  The strap of her one-piece slipped down her arm and caused his heart rate to spike.

She had the most kissable lips.  And her eyes.  They rendered him speechless. 

The hunger he read in her gaze made his whole body tighten.  All the tension he worked tirelessly to work off at the gym, increased tenfold.  To see his own hunger reflected in her eyes caused his hands to tighten at his sides.  The sexual tension became an almost living, breathing presence between them.  And it was only growing each and every day. 

He was absolutely sure he had only cover the short distance that separated them and pull her into his arms and carry her inside.   

She would not offer even a whisper of protest. 

He knew it.

She knew it. 

Despite the typical signs of desire he read in her eyes, he could sense how carefully guarded she still was around him.   She wasn't sure about him.  For once in his life he'd come across a woman weary of the attraction between them.

His Hope [Zayn][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now