Valentines Day Special!!

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a/n: (kind of a late post:,D) love is in the air my fellow daiharu supporters<3 unfortunately i do not have anyone to spend my valentines day with (excluding family) but i hope you guys do>:D i also didn't want to not do anything for you guys on such a special day, so here's a special chapter for yall<333333


lower case intended...




The Story Of Us

when was the last time haru fell so hard for someone he barely talked to? haru didn't remember when. he was never the type to easily fall in love with someone, what more if its with someone he barely knew? and because of that certain fact, haru was confused on why he was staring intently on the man who was currently reading a book. at first, haru thought it was because the man was incredibly beautiful. the man had a slightly slender figure, his skin was smooth and pale, not a single blemish on it. next was his hair, his hair was a perfect shade of black and it was flawlessly pushed back by hair gel. it made haru want to comb it with his fingers. and his face—how will haru even describe it? to haru, his face was beautiful— no. it was beyond beautiful. his nose was pointed, his lips had a pinkish shade and haru didn't know if it was natural or not. his eyes were just mesmerizing that he couldn't stop staring at them. and his lashes were long and curled. still, those words weren't enough to describe how beautiful he is.

haru tried to believe that him staring at the man and observing his every movement was just because of his looks, but then he started having doubts. if he was only attracted to his looks, why did haru have the urge to embrace and hold the man every time he sees him? if haru was only attracted to his looks, why did he want to get to know the man? and then realization hit haru.

he was in love.





the first time haru laid his eyes on the unknown man was when he was looking for a book that was based on anatomy. he asked his friends if they had any book they could lend him but they all said "get your own book", so he did, except he just went into a nearby public library and decided to borrow one. as haru was searching for one, he noticed a man on the corner of his eye. it didn't matter to him at first so he just ignored him and continued to mind his own business.

haru walked around, browsed the books, passed by different aisles and finally found the book he wanted. he eagerly ran towards the book and reached his hand out to grab it, but instead of grabbing it, his hand bumped into the hand of the man that caught his eye earlier.

now that haru got a closer look on the man's face, he noticed his facial features, and they were perfect. haru was tongue-tied at the sight and was absorbed at staring at his face, memorizing every little inch of it.

the man cleared his throat. "are you gonna get the book?" oh god, even his voice sounds perfect. wait, haru what the actual fuck are you thinking?

haru snapped back to reality and his face started to reveal a shade of pink. he had just realized what he had done and started to cover the flustered look on his face. "i-i, yeah... i, kind of need it for school and stuff..." haru awkwardly scratched his nape and avoided the man's gaze. "b-but you can borrow it instead of me! i can always try and find another one..."

the man dismissively shook his head and gave the book to haru. "you said you needed it for school, right?" haru nodded. "that means you need it more than me. i can borrow it next time, i always go to this library anyways."

haru hesitantly grabbed the book, their finger tips barely touching. "thank you..." was the only thing haru managed to choke out. the man just nodded as a response and walked away.

this was probably the first and last time haru and that man ever talked.

after that encounter, haru started to regularly visit the public library, and like the man said, he always visited the library and would read books on a certain table for hours. haru would pretend to be reading, but actually he was staring. stealing glances and trying to memorize every bit of detail of the man's appearance. the way he would elegantly flip the pages, the way his nose scrunches, as if something terrible had happen to the story he was reading, and the way he would smile and look relieved, as if something beautiful had happen. haru found the man's little expressions adorable.

this was enough. haru thought. staring and observing the man from afar was enough.

they were both guys after all.

it would also be too weird if haru would suddenly confess out of nowhere. they barely knew each other. they only talked once. they're both guys.

it also seemed like the man was out of haru's league. haru was just a plain college student. he didn't have any special traits, he wasn't a scholar, damn, he wasn't even that smart. haru thought of himself as pathetic.

so staring at the man was enough.

but was it really..?

[end of special chapter]

idek if i should continue this shsjsjjsjs


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