2: instant coffee

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he was like a mystery i couldn't solve.

no matter what i do or what i ask, he would always avoid personal questions.

for example,

i asked him about his bruises but he just sat there, sipping on the cup of coffee i gave him. he didn't say anything and tried changing the topic by asking me if he could have a glass of water.

he awoke from his slumber a few minutes ago and asked where he was. (he was sleeping in my bedroom by the way.)

i answered with, "you're in my apartment."

after that he didn't say anything so i offered him a cup of coffee and tried interrogating him.

the only think i know so far is his name and age.

i sighed. "where do you live?"


"who are your family?"

nothing again.

"are you lost?"


"why won't you answer me?" i complained.

he drank from the cup of coffee i gave him. "this coffee tastes unusual..."

i raised a brow. "really? why is that?"

"what kind of beans did you use?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"i didn't use beans, i used instant coffee."

"oh, no wonder..."

"do you not like instant coffee?"

he then explained, "its not that, i just... i don't really drink instant coffee."

"how come?"

"you sure ask a lot of questions."

"of course i do! and you need to answer my questions for me to help you."

he started avoiding my gaze. "i didn't ask for your help" he muttered.

"then why did you knock on my front door in the middle of the night?"

he glared at me and our gazes met. i stared into his dark blue eyes—maybe for a little too long. it made me notice how fair his skin is, how silky and shiny his hair can be and how his eyes tend to sparkl—what? ew.

he cleared his throat. "i still don't know your name."

"o-oh its kato haru..."

"kato haru..." he repeated. "that sounds strange."

"huh? how is my name strange!? its actually pretty common!"

he shrugged.

and then there was a moment of silence.

"may i ask for a favor?" he suddenly asked.

i nodded. "what is it?"

"let me live here for a while."

"oka—HAH? you know you can just tell me your address and i'll bring you ho—"

"i can't go back, not right now..."

i stared at him, my mind full of curiousity. "why is that..?"

he put the cup of coffee down and smiled at me.

"i'll tell you when the time comes."

i sat right next to him and stared at the bruises that were slightly visible on his neck. i reached my hand out and started brushing it with the tip of my index finger. "can you at least tell me where these came from?" i pleaded.

it was visible on his face that he was slightly astonished by my actions. "i-it really isn't a big deal..." he explained as he pushed my hand away and tried covering the flustered look on his face.

if i were to be honest, his smile made me think. it was obviously forced yet it was ridiculousy alluring, as if his smile was some kind of spell that anyone would fall for. it was beautiful.

even though there was such a deep meaning to it, it made my heart burn, not in a bad way, but in a way that comforts me. i wanted him to keep on smiling.

he then abruptly grabbed his cup of coffee and took a sip. "instant coffee really is weird." he muttered.

[end of 2: instant coffee]

BONUS (haru serving daisuke breakfast):

i placed the eggs and bacons in front of daisuke.

"what is that?" he asked, flashing a disturbed look on his face.


"no, i meant this." he picked the eggs up with his chop sticks and showed it to me.

"fried eggs..?"

staring at the eggs for a while, his face showed a confused look.

"why is it so oily...?"




a/n: i want instant coffee now;-;

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