4: reveal

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we were all seated in my living room. i offered the woman tea but she declined and said that she didn't really have that much time.

i was seated at the single couch while kambe and the dark haired woman seated at the loveseat.

"daisuke-sama is involved in a difficult situation," she started, "his father, shigemaru kambe, recently died in an 'accident'. and i'm sure you've heard of it?"

she was right. i was also assigned on this case. a few weeks ago there was a huge car accident on my town's main road. a car just suddenly lost control and crashed into one of the street lights. this made the other drivers shocked and confused and they all ended up in an accident as well. lots of eye witnesses even said that the car that hit the street light exploded. there were 11 victims in total, and shigemaru kambe was one of them.

i nodded as a response. "you see, that wasn't an accident. the driver of the car fainted, yes, but do you know the reason?"

i nodded. "forensics said that it was because of a heart attack."

"yes. but if you guys did a background check on the driver, you can say that he had a healthy lifestyle. he didn't have any heart problems, he had a proper diet and he exercises everyday. wouldn't you find it odd that he just suddenly has a heart attack with an unknown cause? it would've been understandable if he had heart problems, but he didn't, not even in his childhood." she stated.

"so you're saying that someone killed him..?" i blurted.

she then snapped her fingers. "exactly."

"but how? he wasn't driving with anyone."

"he must have ate something before driving, no?"

my eyes widened as realization hit me. "someone... poisoned him..."

"yes, and the person behind all the terrible things that happened that day was kikuko kambe."

i was dumbstruck. to think that there was someone behind that horrible accident. "but why would they do that!?" i asked as i abruptly stood up and slammed my hands on the coffee table.

the woman sighed. "they did it to kill shigemaru..."

"that's absurd!"

"they're willing to do anything to achieve their goals," daisuke uttered, crossing his arms. "kikuko's main goal is to get my father's inheritance, but it was stated on my father's will that i will be the one to own it."

"so that is why they are after daisuke-sama's life."

after hearing their explanation, i sat back down on the sofa and sighed. i'm involved in a dangerous situation, but i knew that i needed to help. i couldn't just sit here in my apartment comfortably, after hearing all of those things! i might regret my decision and there's also a possibility that i might die, however those things did not concern me. i've been through worse-or maybe i'm assuming i did.

i swallowed.

"what can i do to help..?"

the long-haired woman gave me a genuine smile. "you keeping daisuke-sama here and taking care of him is already such a big help," she said, "your life is endangered because of us, so we want you to refrain from doing anything more dangerous than this. what you are doing right now is already enough."

"i'm not doing anything special, i want to actually help." i argued.

kambe unexpectedly stood up and glared at me. "stop. like what suzue said, you doing this for me is already enough. you do not have the need to go in deeper into our situation."

i stood back up again and glared back. "i can't sit here and just do nothing!"

"you aren't doing nothing, you're doing something!"

"well the something i'm doing is useless!"

"no it isn't."

"yes it is!" both of my hands curled into a tight ball. i stared at my feet, frustration taking over me. "we may have only been together for a few days... but i care about you... why can't you just let me help you?"

the two supposedly lovers stood quiet. i then heard foot steps approach me, and before i knew it, kambe wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tender embrace. i was taken aback by his actions. but during that moment, everything seemed to stop, except both of our heart beats. i felt his heart beating against my chest. it was the most relaxing feeling i've ever had in years.

what should i do, what should i do, what should i do? i was being swept away by the moment. i was melting, wanting more of his touch, wanting more of his warmth. wanting more of this moment that felt ike it would last forever.

i wished it would last forever.

[end of 4: reveal]

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