Tome 1 | Log 5

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Every living thing had a survival instinct. The drive to survive. The Sins of Hell were no exception to this rule; Even they could tell when they were in danger or when something was unsafe.

"Y/n, tell me the truth. What were you doing behind the tower and what did you see?"

Right now, all of Y/n's instincts were slowly acting up.

Every inch, fibre and cell of his body was sending messages to his brain that screamed for him to do something. To move, to talk, to do anything.

But he didn't.

Instead, he stood his ground.

Y/n hadn't felt fear like this in a long time, so long that he had practically forgotten, but that feeling was making itself well acquainted with him once again. For whatever reason, Lucifer had felt the need to try and intimidate Y/n into giving an answer, which was slightly working. Y/n steeled his resolve as the murky and melting form of the Morningstar dragged herself towards him in the world of darkness. His heartbeat quickened as she did so.

"I'll repeat myself once more. What did you see?" She rasped. Not only did the appearance of her eyes change and body change, her voice had also shifted too. Her voice was raspy and dry, like an old woman who had been denied water for years.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" Y/n Fearlessly asked. For a moment, Lucifer flinched and her eyes became unsettled, not that he could tell. He continued to press on. "Is there something over there that you're hiding?"

Lucifer was lost for a second, her gruesome facade faltering before she growled and snapped her fingers, clearing away the darkness that surrounded them. Y/n found that he was now standing in the reception area of the tower instead of the hallway he was originally in.

It was all an illusion.

With a gasp of relief, he put his hand to his chest and felt his heart slow down to its regular pace. He was feeling weak kneed too, and would have fallen down if no one was around.

"Ugh, I don't know if your playing dumb or if you really didn't see anything, but either way i'll leave you be this time." Lucifer sighed, catching his attention once more. "Since this matter has been put on a temporary hold, I'd like you to leave now."

Y/n was flabbergasted. This woman had the nerve to tell him to leave after putting on that little horror show mere seconds ago? He furrowed his brows and frowned before saying, "Hold on a second, you can't just tell me to leave after...whatever the hell that was. I think I deserve an explanation for what just happened."

"You are spouting nothing but nonsense, Y/n. This matter has nothing to do with you." Her voice was light hearted but had a sharp edge to it.

The greed incarnates frown deepened, visibly showing his distaste for what his friend had just told him. "Nothing to do with me? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty involved right now."

The queen rolled her eyes. "Don't sass your queen like that, dolt."

"Then don't keep secrets from your friend, Lucifer." The Sin of Greed retorted.

Lucifer froze in place. Y/n hadn't called her by her proper name for a long time, and hearing it come out of his mouth felt so foreign to her, so unnatural. It was apparent that she had grown too accustomed to being called Lucy by him.

"What were you even freaking out about? There was nothing behind the tower besides ice, snow, three dog girls that could potentially have rabies and the coolest demon to grace this circle, me."

Lucifer scoffed at his claim. "Do you really believe in your own hype that much?"

"I am the hype!" He replied in a mocking tone, all traces of tension and fear in his voice completely gone. Lucifer chuckled at this.

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