Tome 1 | Log 4 part 2

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Her hands were a fading blur as they stamped, signed and tossed papers into separate piles. She was like a machine, finishing hundreds by the second without rest, even though physically and mentally needed one.

Setting her pen down after the last papers had flown into their assigned stack, Lucifer flexed her fingers, hearing the satisfying pop of her finger joints and feeling the momentary relief it gave her. She lifted her gaze from her desk, looking upon the hundreds and thousands of signed and finished documents.

With a sanguine smirk, she snapped her fingers, and within a blink of an eye the papers were all gone. Looking around, she noticed that for the first time in a while, her office was empty. No papers, no invoices, no complaints, no proposals, nothing.

Now was as good a time as any for a break.

Standing up, Lucifer snapped her fingers and in a puff of smoke appeared her signature wine glass along with a black bottle beside it. She grabbed the black bottle—while her glass stayed floating in the air—and admired it, tracing her gloved finger from the red cap, to the white label and to the bottom of the glass.

Romanée-Conti, a wine famous for its high expense and exquisite taste, and by far her favourite. She may have a distaste for mortals and their creations, but there were a few things that she could give them a pat on the back for making. The main ones being fruity wine and well-tailored suits.

Twisting the lid off, she tipped the bottle and watched as the fine red liquid fell like a waterfall into her glass.

"que c'est beau." She uttered aloud, twisting the now full glass around. It was a french phrase, one she had learnt from a french demon that used to work at the reception before she had killed him for bringing in baguettes to work.

Ever since that day, no one has even thought of bringing french bread into her tower.

Lucifer loosened her grip just enough for the bottle to fall from her delicate hands. The sound of shattering glass never came; the bottle having disappeared the moment it hit the ground. The queen raised the glass to her plush lips and took a sip, relishing the liquorice and black cherry flavour that graced her taste buds.

Walking back behind her desk, Lucifer sat herself down in her seat, releasing the tension in her muscles and whimpering in delight at the chance for relaxation. With everything happening lately, she barely had time to do things like this.

For a brief few moments, the queen of hell was truly relaxed. She took another sip of her wine and lifted her feet up onto the table.

Etiquette could go fuck itself; she was the queen and could do what she wanted.

The sound of clicking heels brought her out of her pleasant state of mind and made her peek sideways with a questioning and aggravated look. There, standing by the door, was the one and only Deadly Sin of Sloth and her assistant: Pandemonica.

Thinking to herself, Lucifer found it slightly amusing how the Sin of Sloth was in fact the most busy of all the sins. Not even Skolar—her loyal and dedicated follower—did as much work as she did. If Lucifer was being honest, she thought that the title of Sin of Sloth did not fit Pandemonica's character. But then again, not many demons knew of Pandemonica's Bi-polar personality that would switch between workaholic, tired and sadistic, with the tired persona being what earned her the title.

"Miss Morningstar, I've checked your schedule for the day," Pandemonica stated, not bothering to look up from her clipboard. "It seems that if you finish the batch of papers given to you earlier then the remainder of this week will be free to use as you please."

Lucifer's angry glare turned to one of giddiness. "Then I suppose I should get straight onto relaxing!"

The tired demon finally decided to take a look from her clipboard, and to her surprise, the office was not completely ransacked with paper. Even if it was the queen, the thought of finishing all that work so fast was unbelievable.

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