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" Joon are you crazy? Why do you have to do this? What if something goes wrong" Jin was kind of furious that he took such a huge step without even telling or discussing without any one else.

" Hyung,don't worry I have talked to the doctor . She has already arranged a surrogate. The doctor assured she can be trusted. Nothing will go wrong." Joon tried to assure his hyung.

"Joon why do you even have to do this? Find a girl, marry and have a kid. For how long are you going to be tied to the past Joon?" The elder tried to convince his younger for the nth time.

He very well knew Namjoon's past and he understood that it was traumatizing but not everyone is same right?
He just wished he could move on and live a happy life.

He didn't like that fact that he gave up on the thought of relationship because of one incident. Everyone needs someone in life. A partner makes life much more beautiful and happening.

"Not again Hyung. I can't. I don't need a woman in my life. All I want to be is a Dad and I don't need any woman for it. " he retorted ,definitely a little pissed at the constant nagging by Jin.

"I understand namjoon but think again. Can you trust an unknown woman with your child? What if she causes some kind of trouble? When you have no trust left in women , then how can you trust a woman with your child? That too a stranger?"

He had a point!

"Don't worry Hyung. I ofc don't trust but I have made my preparations. Nothing can go wrong.Trust me." Joon said with a satisfied smile .

He was Kim namjoon , what less can you even expect? He was all prepared.

He believed happiness was finally gonna enter his life which indeed was true but it was gonna be much more than what he had thought.


"Y/n tomorrow I have fixed the meeting with Mr. Kim" Lily said and hung up the call as she has a few patients already waiting.

"It's fine I just have to do this for 9 months " you tried to calm yourself but it didn't really help.

9 months. Sounds less but isn't.
How were you gonna live for 9 months. It was confusing and nerve recking..... But there wasn't any other way.

You weren't regretting your decision or having second thoughts but you were just scared and nervous. You knew you had to do this . You had no choice.

You needed money and that was all that mattered now. You didn't have a family or a partner , you needed to answer to. You were independent and alone responsible for your own actions. Wrong or Right

Currently , you had a turmoil of feelings building up but shrugging all of it. You decided to sleep because Lily mentioned you needed to take care of yourself . You needed a healthy body to bear a child.

You don't know who that man was? What kind of person was he? Lily didn't tell much but she assured he was a reputed man, he loved kids but due to some bad experiences in the past he had no interest in women or dating.

Next day~

You were waiting in Lily's cabin for Mr. Kim ,your first meeting with him. Today you both had several other tests planned and if everything went well then the procedure would start probably next week.

You were talking to Lily about the various steps when suddenly the door opened revealing a tall, like so so tall man.

Brownish locks swept back perfectly exposing his beautiful bright forehead. Broad chest ,biceps flexing through his t-shirt well. DAMM! This man was like some male god. Never in your life you have seen such a perfect man.

"So Mr. Kim, This is y/n I told you about. " Lily introduced you, you smiled forwarding your arm for a handshake but he just ignored it and just sat beside you.

It was awkward but you shrugged and sat too and so did Lily.

"So Mr. Kim I have already told her about everything and she is ready so we can begin with the tests and then-" Lily was still speaking when he cut her in between.

"I never approved her ,Ms. Han" He said to Lily giving you a quick look. Lily looked at you and then back at him.


"I have few things to discuss about if you give us a little time to talk ." he said to Lily and she nodded giving me an assured look, she left the cabin.

"So Ms. Yn. Let me come to the point. I am a direct man. I just have a few conditions if you can agree ,then I will approve you".he said turning to you . You just nodded for him to speak further.

"This maybe just a source of income for you but it means everything to me and I can't take any chances.
Here are the papers it has 4 simple but important conditions, that I have set, you can read and if you don't have any objections we may continue. But all these points are non negotiable."

You picked up the sheet of white paper.

You have to listen to my instructions throughout the nine months. You can't do anything related to baby or your health without my consent.

Okay not bad..

The child in no ways is related to you. After giving birth you never know this child.

Harsh but fine no problem.

You don't know me, I don't you after this time.

Cool you don't seem kind of person I would want to know anyway.

No romantic or personal feelings between you and me,it would be entirely professional. "

Huh! Sure..

You read the papers thoroughly,it had nothing objectionable so you immediately signed them.

"Ms. Yn I hope you are single . And Ms. Han already told me you have no family."
You just nodded as a yes.

"Good then . after you conceive you will have to move in with me"he said , calmly without even looking at you.

This wasn't in contact!

"What? No ! I never agreed to this!" You kinda shouted not that loud too but he didn't even budge.

"Ms. Y/n you think I will trust my child alone with anyone? No! I will personally make sure you are taking proper care of him"

"But I promise I will take care of him well." You tried to argue but he was adamant.

"Ms. Yn, I am not forcing. You can leave right now if you want to. I can find any other surrogate."

He can find someone else but you can't. No one would pay you this large amount of money.

No! You can't. You can't leave . You need money anyhow. No matter how many jobs you do you won't be able to earn half of the money he is paying for a month. You had to do this.

After a small debate with your self you knew what you had to do.
He is just a man and as much as lily told he is quite reputed and trusted so he can't really do any bad .can he?

"Okay . So let's get the tests done."

Well ... Now let's just wait to see how bad can this even be.

Author's NOTE:

Do comment and tell me your views and opinions too♥️

Thank you for reading and lots of love to everyone ✨❣️

- G R E Y

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