32- Scared to love

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Missed me?
Cz I definitely missed you all❤️


She looked a little older but not much, had beautiful sharp features that looked familiar, the flowy red dress she wore couldn't do much to hide her Big bump, she must be 6-7 months.

The boy standing beside her looked at you with curious eyes.

"Oh.. forgive me for being so rude. Hi, I am Mia, Namjoon's sister " she smiled.

Your lips formed an "O" as you immediately bowed to her. You remembered Taehyung mentioning about her one time, you didn't know much other than she was the only family Namjoon had and he really loved her and respected her.

"Hello I am yn...." You paused unsure of what to say, by what you knew she already knew about you but still it felt a little weird.

"It's okay, I know you well. Both Taehyung and Namjoon have told me alot about you" She smiled, now that she smiled you noticed the identical dimples forming on her cheeks.

"Ohh I am so sorry, silly me come in first Namjoon must be coming down in a few minutes"

She nodded and came in along with the boy who seemed to be taking glances at you, he must be feeling confused seeing you at his uncle's place.

"Hiee~ what is your name?" You softly asked .

He was sitting beside his mother on the couch.

"Bom." He replied shyly.

"Aw that's a cute name" You complimented earning a shy smile from him.

"He is a little shy around new people, it takes him a little time to get warmed up. " Mia stated.

"Noona?!" Namjoon almost squealed jumping down the stairs, for a moment it felt as if he was some year old kid. He looked so happy seeing his sister.

He gave her a big hug before bom jumped in his arms kissing his cheeks.

He was definitely good with kids.

"What a surprise Noona , I was really thinking of meeting you soon, especially Bomie. I hadn't seen him in so long" He took a seat beside you. Bom was still comfortable on his lap.

"Yeah yeah you have become a busy man, forget visiting you don't even have time to receive my calls huh? I have been trying to reach to you since morning"

"Oh dammit, actually I dropped my phone this morning and it isn't working. But atleast that made you come all the way here" He cheekily smiled. "What a caring sister I have"

Mia just rolled her eyes at his silliness.

"Ohh Jin hyung didn't come?" Namjoon asked, you knew he was her husband, also very close to both Taehyung and Namjoon.

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