21- Shopping day!

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You groaned trying to find something wearable. Nothing you tried did a good job in hiding your tiny stomach. Past days weather was on a cooler side so you always wore a cardigan on something while going out but today it was sunny and hot.

You preferred wearing loose baggy clothes at home so it was certain that no one had yet noticed it but today it might change. You chose a simple white dress that was the loosest one you could find.

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Fixing your hair and applying some lip tint you left your room not forgetting to grab your purse.

Namjoon was comfortably seated on the couch replying to some mail sipping his coffee that ajumma had just placed on the table. His mind was completely focused on the screen, he didn't even notice you who was taking nervous steps down the stairs.

You felt anxious, it felt like a combination of anxiety, dread, and excitement all at once. Your palms were getting sweaty, felt that fluttery nervousness in your stomach. You didn't even know why you were feeling a bunch of emotions all at once . Why did it feel so exciting yet nerve wrecking? So what if he was gonna notice your bump for the first time? Why did it make you feel this way?

"I..i am ready Namjoon." You informed , standing beside him. He just hummed while typing something on his phone. You awkwardly stood there for a minute or so until he was finally done with whatever work he was busy and his cup empty now.

"Let's go" He said walking ahead of you, he didn't even give you a full glance.

You almost sighed in disappointment seeing he didn't even notice it. You silently followed him to the parking lot. He was still reading something on his phone.

He paused a little away from his car typing something quickly. "Anndd doonnee" He closed his phone and put it in his pocket finally.

You both sat in the car.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked, turning to you. He saw you struggling with the belt so he leaned in and took the strap from you fixing it , that's when his eyes fell upon your belly.

His hands froze as he blankly stared, you didn't fail to notice this.

"i..is that?" He felt so blank that it was hard for him to even form any sentence.

You gave him a small nod. "Yes it's your baby, he is growing"

His lips curved into a full smile, a smile that directly came from his heart.

"C..can I please feel it?" He hesitantly asked. Your nod was all it took for him to gently caress his hands over your belly. "You are growing so well baby, daddy can't wait to see you"

And this was the first time he talked to your sweet bun... oh he wasn't yours though ...

"You are coming in?" You asked Namjoon who was now standing in the women section looking through some clothes.

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