6 Re-Union

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You felt stuck being stepped into this house maybe this was your chance to have a fresh breath. You made yourself simple toast which a glass of juice and sat to eat. If it were a usual day you would have made the same for him too but things he said last night were still fresh and hurting.

You were peacefully having your toast when you heard him coming down, unlike other days you didn't even bother to greet him and continued having your breakfast in silence.

He woke up and frowned seeing the bed empty, usually, he is the one to wake up first. After getting ready for work he went down only to find you munching on your toast not even looking at him. He understood you were hurt from his words last night since neither you prepared breakfast nor even greeted him. "good morning Ms. yn" but still you didn't reply.

This was the first time he greeted you first yet you ignored it. You were done with your breakfast but still sat on the table pretending to use your phone waiting for him to leave quickly.

"Ms. Yn, I might get late today so have your dinner and fruits on time and sleep early" He instructed collecting his belongings before leaving.

You internally danced happily but externally maintained a straight face and replied with a cold "Okay" not even bothering to look up.

He sighed before leaving the house.

You didn't even wait for a second and ran to your closet. Standing in front of the huge mirrors, you examined your belly. It was just a little over 1 month so there was no significant change in it. no one could even tell you were pregnant but you still chose to wear something loose. \

You settled with an off-white floral dress that reached below your knees. It was the first time you were leaving this house other than that one time Namjoon took you to a park after an appointment.

It was also the first time you were going to Lilly's house after all this. You felt anxious. How will they react? There already knew about it, Lily had told them but you still didn't get a chance to talk to them.

You placed your hand on your stomach and took deep breathes trying to calm down.

I feel so anxious baby, how will Aunty and Uncle react? They have treated you so kindly and lovingly that you saw them as your parents. You just hoped they don't act any different after this


It had been your habit now, whenever you felt sad or lonely you would just caress your belly and talk to the tiny one inside. It made you feel better.

You had not even entered the mansion completely when you heard a loud squeal.

"MOMMMYYY!!" a small 5-year boy came running, and you directly caught him taking him in your arms. For the next few minutes, both of you stood there not speaking not even paying to anything around just feeling each other's warmth after a month.

"I missed you so much Mommy" the little one sniffled with his pink pouty lips.

"Mommy missed you to my prince" you wiped off the tiny tears from his rosy cheeks peppering his face with kisses making him giggle.

"Yniee, we missed you " Lily came running and hugged you while the little one was still wrapped in your arms.

"I missed you all too li" You pouted hugging your best friend from your other arm.

You carried Yun and walked into the mansion with Lily, as you entered the mansion you felt even more anxious finding no one.

no one came to meet me? Are they so ashamed of me now? Lily's family has always been so loving and welcoming and today, that you came after so many days, and still, no one wants to meet you. They must be disappointed in me but I had no other choice.

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