Mi Familia

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Mia calls us all our and I ran to her side. "The whole team just got burnt", Brian yells. Everyone came to their table and look at the computer. "Now we're all wanted", Mia sighs and I stare at my team. Mia reads out who put us all out on the wanted posters.

Brian did something and ask Dom if the guy in the screen was the guy he saw wheme they were chased. Dom nods and Brian explain who the person is. "I've heard of him. He's famous for dragging hard to reach criminals into the pentagon. He took my father away", Ashton spoke and inform. I pat his back and heard everyone telling Dom that we have to speed things up.

"Roman's right. I think we need some fresh air", he says which made us look at one another. He told us what his plan was and that I should stay in hiding. "You and your team need to stay here. They can cause more harm to you all", he instructs but I retaliate.

"We're all wanted, Dom and I'm not a kid anymore. I've never heard from you for years and when you call me up to help you on this, I come through despite their warnings. Prove to me that I'm right. You always say that family is everything. I've been at the side for too long, let me in", I state and stood my ground.

He look at me, straight in the eyes and sighs. "Fine, anyone of you know how to use a gun?", he asks my crew and they all nod.

~~Skips time~~

Dom made a deal with the dude that we raced to hang up on us. Lucky for us, he agreed as we had earned his respect. We all parked our cars and let the party going. Collete begun glaring at the Big dude that was glaring at me. His knuckles are bruise.

He got the courage and walk up to us. He put a hand out for me to shake as his glare turn into a smirk on his face. "I apologise for my actions earlier. You put up one hell of a drive, hombre", he spoke with his thick Spanish accent. I smile and shook his hand. We both nod at one another. He took a look at Collete and he look back at me.

"You touch her again, I'll hurt you worse", Collete warns the big guy. He looks back at me and I shrug. He nods then, walks away without saying a word. "Ease up, babe", I reach for her arms and pull her to me and my car. She frown and reach to touch my eyepatch. She took it off and saw the damage it had become. "It's swelling more. We need to get you to the hospital, luv", she says and puts the eyepatch back.

"I'm okay. It doesn't hurt anymore", I convince her by kissing her forehead and nose. Our moment got interrupted when a few jeeps pull up at the front. Officers no scratch that, soldiers came out of the jeeps and called out my brother's name. Dom made a slight joke which pissed the man in charge off.

They both had a stand off but Dom brought in the big guns. The boys point guns at all of the soldiers. I saw Dom held a small smirk as one of the soldiers told the boss to stand down. All of the soldiers drove back to wherever they are. Collete answers her phone and told the rest of us that we got them.

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