Emergency Call

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The name's Kaidence Alexandra Toretto. Yes, I'm a Toretto. I'm sure you've heard of my brother, Dominic Toretto or half brother actually. As of right now, he's a criminal, an outlaw. My mother passed as she gave birth to me which made my dad take me in and raised me alongside Dom and my sister Mia.

Dom send me here in England to finish my studies and I did. I skipped a couple of grades. I'm currently studying for criminal psychology and mechanical engineering of course. The Torettos always knew their way around an engine and I am one of the best drivers people here have seen.

I'm 21 as of today. My buddies have some plans for me somehow. I'm guessing they have a surprise party or a huge gift that they kept away from me. Let me introduce to you my group. The first person is Ashton Hansen. He's my childhood friend. We've been partners in crime since we were toddlers. He's parents passed away when he turned 18.

He was lucky to escape the Orphanage. Everyone thinks we're more likely to end up together but we have more of a brother sister bond. Ashton's what you'd describe as a regular nice guy. He will always be there for you no matter what trouble you're in. The one thing no one could ever expect of Ashton is that he's a great driver.

Not your average, follow the rules driver but a race driver. When we were 13, Dominic decided to teach us how to drive. Ashton right away got it all right in the first try. Dom says he's a born street racer. I, of course was better but he's the best I've ever seen in my life. Ashton's studying marine science and chemical engineering.

Next is the Levitt twins. People can barely tell them apart but I always could. Sometimes they try to make pranks to switch their personalities but it doesn't work on me. The first twin is the one you could depend on. He's Miles. Both twins are considered Mechanical gods but Miles is the best at what he do. He could fix anything from a broken, no good watch to a huge rocket ship engine.

He's brother, Mikeal, he's the joker of the two but when it gets down to business, he's the muscle man. He's the protective guy out of all of us. If you mess with anyone of us, you'd have to answer to him. Mike's good at fixing stuff but he's more into cars than Miles. He's less ambitious than his brother. He likes it simple.

Last but not least, Queens. Her real name's Nicolette but the guys like to call her Queens. I call her Colette. She's what you call the beauty of out group. Keeps us in line, especially me. She studies anything that's technology. She's a tech guru as they call her on campus. If you ever need anything to clear in your computer, she's your gal. We met on the first day in college. The twins and I were playing catch and I accidentally knocked her down. She still joked about me falling for her. To be honest, she's not wrong. Anyway, that's my crew.

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