Fast Cars

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Brian, Dom, Ashton and I got to a certain place where Street racers in Rio held their races. Dom made me bring the car that the twins had altered so that we could have a chance to win. As always the place is jam packed with girls.

"What did Colette want?", Ashton asks as we drive right inside. "She's worried I'll pull stunts again", I answered and stop right beside Dom's car. "Well, she's not wrong. Your car always ends up tearing into pieces", Ashton points out and I rolled my eyes. "I only need to pull stunts when necessary", we got out of the car and he snickers.

We watch as Dom and Brian challenged the guy in charge of the races that's happening here. "Let's go, legend. Car for a car", the Portuguese guy challenged. I snickered as Dom questioned him. "You see, we need four cars. Which means two races", Dom slowly explains and step forward. They guy nodded and smiled.

"Pick your champion and the car you want", he did a full spin which made everyone spread out. Dom turn to Ashton and he nods. Ashton walks around and stop at a bugatti car. Nice choice. "This one", Ashton spoke and Dom smirked then look back at the guy. "My sister's car for that bugatti", Dom raise an eyebrow. The guy look at Ashton and at my car. He shook hands with Dom and the race commenced.

First it is Brian. The racer he's racing is a
amateur. The guy pressed his fuel to early. As Brian is racing, Dom spoke to Ashton and I. "I want you two to make a decision on who's racing. Ashton's great at speed but it's your car, Kai. Remember, we need that car", Dom reminded and we both nod.

"You heard Dom. It's your car, it's your race", Ashton says right after Dom left. I shook my head and convinced him that he should race because its his car that's were going to win. "Coin flip or?", Ashton suggested. I took out a coin and Ashton chose heads. It came out as tails. Guess, I'm racing.

After Brian won the race and shook hands with the guy who owned the blue car, he look at me and pointed to the guy I'm racing. He's not that macho. He is muscular but not as muscular as Dom. I gave him a small wink before getting into my car and driving to the starting line.

I got out and check under my hood to make sure that my engines aren't busted. Tanks are still full. That's good. I got back in my car and focused on the obstacles. Dom come up to my car and smiled at me. "I hope you ain't rusty, Kai", he joked and I chuckle lightly. "I'm a Toretto. I'm never rusty", I smirk and he pats my back. Ashton came up to me next.

"Remember what you promised Queens, alright? No stunts. It's a clean track", Ashton recalled and and nodded to him. "Relax, Ash. I got this. Tanks are full. I'll get you that car", I assure him and he nods. He pats my back and we did our handshake. "Alright! It's time to race!", the guy that challenged us shouts. A pretty lady wearing a red short top and short shorts stood in the middle and smiled at us.

I look to my side to see the guy looking at me with a smug. Oh, he's arrogant. This is going to be fun. "Ready?", the lady looked and me and I smirked at her. She wink at me flirtatiously which made the guy next to me scoffed. "Steady?", she says in Portuguese to the other driver and he made his engine growl. Arrogant son of a bitch.

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