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Today's the day. Its time. Everyone prepares their cars and what every they need while Colette, Mia, Brian, Ashton and I stayed behind. The twins went with Rico and Tego. When Mia said that the soldiers were already on their way, everyone head out.

"Hey Dom", my head turn between Dom and Vince. "I'll keep and eye on Mia", he assures him and Don nods to him. When a jeep pulls in, Vince yells, "Cops!!". Brian and Mia scatter away whilst Ash, Colette and I waited for Dom's signal. I ran up to my bike and hand Colette two guns and a few ammos. "Go, get yourselves out of here. I know you can ride my bike. Follow Brian and Mia. I'll catch up with you", I told them but Colette refuse.

 I'll catch up with you", I told them but Colette refuse

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"No no no, I'm not leaving You, Kaidence Toretto. Ride or Die, remember?", she says in a hurry. I could tell tears were threatening to get out of her eyes but Ash held her back. "Get her out of here. I love you, Queens", I kiss her lips and let her go. Ashton drags her to my bike as she cried out for me.

Once they got on my bike, they look back at me before driving away. I ran up to Dom and watch as both our cars get smashed. "Bad move, soldier", I muttered under my breath. "Leave, lil lady. This is between Toretto and I", the big guy commands. "You just crashed my car, how else am I going to run away?", I spit back.

He motion one of the soldiers to take me but I fought back. The guy took out his gun to scare me but accidentally shot my side. I look down then, back at him. I could see guilt in his eyes. "KAI!!!", I heard Mia yell. I turn my head and found a hole where I could see Brian, Mia and Vince surrounded by guns. I look back at the guy and put my hands up.

He walks up to me carefully but as he gets closer, I push his gun down and toss it away. I punch his face but he managed to tackle me down which made us to drop down to the floor, next to Dom and the Big guy. "STOP, STOP IT!!", Mia tells and I gave up, feeling the warmth of my blood staining my shirt.

Mia kept on yelling and I knew at one point, he'd stop when he saw me bleeding on the floor. He surrenders and we all got tied up. I groan as I felt two men carry me away into the van. They shove me next to Brian and he yelled at them to at least put some pressure onto my wound.

"It's okay. I'm not dying, today", I smile, showing my full teeth at them all. I look in front of me to see a lady who stare at me with pity. She sighs and took a medical kit from somewhere and kneel in front of me. "Agradeço a ajuda (I appreciate the help)", I smile at her despite the big guy warning her that I'm dangerous. She nods at me and carefully took out the bullet from my side.

"AMBUSH!!", I heard someone yell. When everyone got out to defeat the guys shooting at us, we look at the woman who help me and Brian told her to cut us loose. I nod at her and she gave us some guns. Dom check me to see if I'm okay and I gave him a nod, assuring him I'm fine. We all got out and I got to shoot one of Hernendez men to save Hobbs aka big guy and Elena.

All of us got into the van and drive off. Suddenly, I felt pain shoot through my body as the adrenaline wears off. I look down to my shoulder and saw a bullet hole from the front to the back. At least its a through and through. I held my stomach as the previous gun shot wound hasn't been properly cared for and ignored the one on my shoulder.

Mia turns and I laid next to Vince who is bleeding too. "Hey Dom", Vince calls out my brother. My eyes were half open. "Kai?", Brian pulls me to him and I smiled at him. I heard Vince talking about his son and I knew he had no time left. I used my remaining energy to crawl up to him and hug him again.

"I love you too, Little Toretto. I'm glad we got to see each other again. Take care of her", he chuckles lightly and advice. A few seconds later, his eyes closed and I let a tear fall down my cheeks. Finally, my pain hits harder and I moan in pain louder, almost like a scream. "Hang in there, Kai. We're almost there", Brian assures me as he put pressure on my shoulders.

"I don't th-think I c-can help anymore, Dom", I look to my brother and he shook his head. "You're stronger than this, Kaidence. Just hang in there", Dom leans and kiss my forehead. "Y-you've n-never done that s-since I was a kid", I brought up and he laughs. I could tell Mia was crying.

"Feels like the right time to start doing that again", he says to me with a small smile but I could tell he has sadness behind those eyes. "Like I said, I'm not dying today", I state clearly which made them smile.

A few minutes later, we went back to the warehouse. Brian and Mia help me out of the jeep and laid me down on the sofa. The team starts to gather back and I couldn't help but close my eyes for a moment. "No, no, no, Stay with me Kai. Come on!", Mia cries out. I felt warmth on my cheeks as I open my good eye. "Hey gorgeous", I greet my girlfriend.

"Always the hero, huh, Kai?", I heard another voice and look up to see Miles and Mike. "Where's Ashy?", I ask. "He's with Dom, my luv. He'll be back. We're going to patch you up, okay?", Colette assures me and I nod. Dom and Ash came while Gisele, Mia and Colette patch me up. "Will you be okay to do your job?", he ask me with a stoic look.

"What's the plan, Dom?", I pull my hand away from Mia before the two could retaliate. "Take a moment to level yourself. We need to move, we don't have much time", he looks at me then, walks pass the whole team. "There's a flight out. We can leave Rio on five hours", Han steps in but Dom said no. "Not to run away. To finish the job", he says.

"Are you crazy, Dom? We can't. Kai's too injured to move", Gisele buts in but I stood up and walk over to Dom with the help of Ashton. "I'll be fine. I can still drive. The plan still stays. We all need this", I turn to look at everyone. Roman disagrees and so does Tej and Colette.

The woman who patch me up told Dom to run away but he turn to me and I shook my head. We both turn to the teams. "You know you're all free to make your own choices", Dom puts an arm around me and Ash helps out too. "I'm in!", we heard a strong, deep voice spoke. We turn around to see the big boss, Hobbs.

"I'll ride with you, Toretto", he says. He look at me and nods at me which means, I had earn his respect. "Least until we kill that son of a bitch", he spoke and walks closer. Dom smiles and nods at him. "So, what's the plan, Dom? We can't just go sneaking around anymore", Brian steps up and asks. Ashton sets me down to the stairs.

"We don't sneak, only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him", he says and smirks. "Miles, Mike and Tej, work together to make some bulletproof coverings in case. Especially, Kai's since she can't dodge a bullet", he jokes and I pretend to frown. "Hobbs will crash the police station and let them fire you just enough until you get to the safe. Crash the wall down. Brian and I will take the vault out. Gisele, the twins and the duo will wait until we switch out. Kai and Ash, you'll be our back ups after we switch up. Queens, you stay with Mia and keep an eye on our surveillance", he plans out.

"Everyone clear and ready?", he questions and we all nod. "Good, let's prepare. Kai, go patch up and level yourself, we need you on your best", he says to me and I nod. Colette, Mia, Gisele and Elena help me settle down and finished the rest of the job. Each of them telling me that I have to take it easy for the heist but I assured them that I'll be just fine.

Let's hope, I don't get shot again.

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