8: Birthday reminisce

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The clock struck midnight and two people opened their eyes, jarred awake by instinct only.

Izumi Yagi looked over at her clock, only to see the date and groan, 'One year' She mumbled, 'Exactly one year since she disappeared, making the best day of my life the worst.'



A group of adult yelled as they jumped out in surprise as Izumi walked through the door.

'Where's Izuku?' Aizawa asked

'No idea, she's been off ill for a bit though.' The girl honestly replied, earning a frown from the two uncles in the room.

'Well I haven't heard anything from her room.'

'Maybe she's sleeping?' Izumi suggested, sitting down in front of her presents.

This struck Nezu and Shota as off, first neither parent mentioned anything about Izuku being home or being quiet, second they didn't even address the issue of a their daughter missing out on a seemingly unknown amount of school and thirdly, their presents had seemingly accumulated into one pile somehow, all of which was in front of the only teenage girl in the room.

'Shota, why don't we check on your favourite niece?' Nezu suggested, shooting a glance with his statement

'Huh but I'm right here?' Izumi innocently asked

'Sure, Nezu, I have another present physically for her' Shota said glancing at Izumi who had suddenly gained a weird look on her face

The two ignored the words of Inko and Toshinori, making their way up to Izuku's room, though they both stopped in front of it as they were hit with a very unsettling smell.

'Izuku? Are you in there?' Shota asked knocking at the door, receiving nothing but silence.

Nezu got a bit worried, 'Izuku, its your favourite uncle Nezu, are you in there, I've got a chess set and some lovely tea with me if you want to play?' Again nothing but silence and noises from downstairs were heard.

Nezu nodded at the hobo to his right and Shota gently eased the door open, earning silent squeaks as the door swung open slowly and the stench grew. The two men slowly stepped into the dark room and physically gagged at the horrific blend of bleach, anti-sceptics, blood and cheap make-up fumes. The black haired man fumbled for the light switch, stumbling over some papery and crisp things before finding it and flicking it on.

The two blanched at the bloodies room in front of them. Everywhere there were dried bloody bandages, all stained brown covering up the entirety of the floor. The bed itself was fit for only a small child and it was blaringly obvious how old it was, the cinderblock acting as one of its supports and the sight of rotting wood were just horrifying.

Shota thought he had a good stomach for these kind of things due to his area of work but this... this was worse than his worst nightmare and it was happening to his favourite niece as well. As such the man couldn't hold it in and ran over to the bin in the room, throwing up into even older and crustier bandages.

Once relieved, Shota started to gag again at the sight of if puke mixed with the age old gauzes below him. Stumbling back he hit the 'desk' of the room. In actual fact the 'desk' was simply a piece of old rotting wood stacked on top of four tires, two at each point acting like pillars. As he hit the desk though he knocked the sole item on it onto the floor, Nezu finally snapped out of his shocked state due to the bang and wondered over, still taking the situation in.

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