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I stand at the foot of a large field of wheat. A farm house stands in the middle, in all its glory.

And then out of the door, walks the tallest and most beautiful gem I have ever seen.

I'm getting mixed signals about the gender of this Gem though, as their tall, well built body is seemingly male, and yet, he's pulling off a knee cut dress, with a straight top and ruffled sleeves where the fabric is gathered together to show the arms.

His knee length socks are white with little ruffles at the edge. His skin is rather pale, and looks really white. His hair on the other hand, is short and only goes down to the ear on one side, and is shaved short on the left side of his head.

He looks up, but I can't make out his face from this distance.

He waves and I wave back and begin to make my way to the farmhouse. I get to the front steps and he walks down to greet me, "hello your majesty!"

He bows and when he stands up straight, I look at his face.

His skin is indeed the whitest of whites and his hair is a very void black at the roots and fading out to a mix of blondes and gold like colours.

Speaking of gold, his eyes are a light platinum sort of gold and his face looks slightly angry. But he has such perfect jaws and cheekbones, and looks rather refined.

His lips are grey and his lashes are long and full and yet, he doesn't seem to be wearing any makeup.

"Your majesty? Are you alright?"
"Oh... yes. Thank you."

His voice is so beautiful and smooth, and just like the rest of his features, it's quite refined.

"I shall go get my father."

He goes back inside and soon comes back out with a shorter, average height man, with several grey streaks in his hair.

"Good Morning your majesty."

He bows.

"Would you like some tea your majesty?"
"Yes thank you, is this your son?"
"Oh... gender neutral terms please."

They go inside and I follow after them. Another young fellow is sat at the table.

He gets up and bows, "your majesty."

I nod. The farmer comes through with a tray and teacups and a teapot.
"So." I sit down, "are these your sons?"
"Oh... Edmund is not, but Damien is my adopted child."
"He's adopted?"
"Yes, and please use gender neutral terms please, your majesty. Sugar?"
"Just a teaspoon, thank you."
"At what age did you adopt him?"
"I found them in the centre of the field when they were barely a year old, and please may you use gender neutral terms when Addressing my child?"
"Damien doesn't want to go by any specific gender, so we've become accustomed to using gender neutral terms like they and them."
"Damien isn't a gender neutral name."
"It was the name that was on the letter that was with them."

Damien removes the apron from their waist and sits down next to Edmund, who kisses their cheek.

"What is the relationship between you two?"
"Oh," Damien smiles, "Edmund is my boyfriend."
"How sweet. And are you two getting married soon?"
"Well... I do not think we are ready for such a big step yet. Plus, I am only seventeen."

Edmund smiles, "strong relationships take time, so we'll wait until we are both ready."

I sip my tea.

I feel a knot in my stomach, and get annoyed by their happy, loving, relationship.

Something I have never had.

The farmer seems to notice me frowning, "are- are you alright your majesty?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. No more questions are to be asked on the matter."
"Understood your majesty..."
"All of you be quiet, or I shall have your precious farm taken away from you!"
"Shush! I want something, and if I don't get it, your farm will be taken away."
"Anything my Lord!"
"But, I shall leave the decision up to your child, Damien."

They look at me, scared.

"Your Child is to stay with me in the castle for the rest of their life, or I shall have my men come here and burn this place to the ground, with you two in it."
"Your majesty, please don't do this, Damien, they're just a child!"
"They have until tomorrow sunset to decide! A carriage will be waiting at the end of the field to pick them up. They may bring their belongings, if they so wish. But if they don't, then you two shall be burnt to a crisp and I will make your precious little darling watch."

I leave and walk back to the castle.

When I get in, the genie greets me, "hello Master, how was your walk?"
"It was fine."
"Get any gifts?"
"A few flowers and a cup of tea."
"Did you enter someone's home?"
"Yes, and they have something I want."
"And that is...?"
"The most beautiful gem I've ever laid eyes upon."
"The farmers child?"
"How did you know?"
"I know all, Master. And I know of the life changing decision you have put into the hands of a child. You know, you could just... wish that they agreed to stay with you?"
"No. This must be their decision, we will not force the upper hand our way."
"Of course Master."
"Go prepare a room for them, will you?"
"Of course, any specific colours?"

I remember their eyes and hair, "mostly shades off black with hints and accents of gold."
"Okay. Beautiful choice."
"Give them a large seemingly endless wardrobe, with beautiful clothing of the same colour scheme, of both male, female, and neutral genders."
"Anything else? Perhaps a room just for makeup in the same colours?"
"Yes, but maybe add some Pearl and silver as well."
"And a black marble bathroom, with, again, gold marbling and handles and taps. Should I make the water gold as well Master?"
"Why would the water be gold?"
"Not actual gold, just the colour of gold and slightly shimmery."
"That Sounds quite nice actually, yes. Do that."
"See? I have good ideas."
"You do, yes."
"I shall go ready the room."

He leaves and I sit down on my throne...

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