Some Night Blood facts.

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We all sit around my grave on blankets that Atlas made appear.
"If you guys have magic," I start, "why'd you never use your magic to escape? Was the cell magic Proof?"
"Yes." Altore confirms, "our magic was confined to the cell. That's why it was better that that gremlin was moved to a different cell, so that he could not use his magic to teleport you from our cell to his. Which he most likely would have done, if his magic was not confined. All cells on that level are magic proof."
"Okay. Why would he teleport specifically me though?"
"Did you not see him on your first day in the dungeon? He wanted his hands all over you."
"I'm going to kill him." Luther mutters.
I sigh, glad that the rest of the Night Bloods actually stopped being ass holes after about a month.
"All in good time Luther, don't worry."
"So who's the oldest?" I ask, "and who's been here the longest."
Casta raises their hand, "I'm 231. I've been there for 213 years today."
"You look only mid twenties."
"That's when all Night Bloods lost the ability to age physically. Their minds grows older and wiser, but their bodies stay young."
Kin waves, "I was their for 102 years, and I'm 120 years old."
"You and Casta were both eighteen then?"
Altore raises his hand, "I was stuck their for 163 years, and I am 170. I was seventeen."
Percious then raises his hand, "I was their for 92 years, I'm 111. I was nineteen."
Luther then raises his hand, "I'm twenty six, I've been there for six years."
Atlas then waves, "I've been their for twelve years, i was.... 723, so I'm now 735."
"If you're 735," I ask, "how old is Caspien?"
"Our dad?"
"Now, he'd be.... 1,682."
"Holy crap."
"His dad is... 3,004, tomorrow."
"How long do Night Bloods live for?"
"So we can all be best friends forever?"
"Did you know that pure bred Night Bloods are born with the wings wrapped around them like a cocoon?"
"They only start developing their horns at the age of puberty."
"I never knew any of this."
"Well, now you do."
"Half breeds are born as just regular babies."
"I know, pretty neat."
"How old is the oldest Night Blood?"
"Not as old as you'd expect." Altore says, "I believe she'd only be in here fifties, right?"
"Fifty what?"
My jaw drops, "woah!"
"She's only 53, 766."
"Can Night Bloods even die? Also, what counts as old?"
"Yes, they can, and... 100,000's are considered old. 200,000 and above is considered elder, and Aliah became the oldest night blood, when.... Tior? Is it Tior? Yeah, when Tior died."
"How did they die?"
"Stabbed through the heart with a Night Blade."
"What's a Night Blade?"
"A blade, made of gold, platinum and potassium, that is void black in colour, like your hair, with a slight purple hue. There's also a Light Blade, which is painful, but not enough to kill a Night Blood. That's just gold and platinum."
"Ooh... cool!"
"I once got stabbed in the back by a light blade!" Atlas pipes up, "it hurt like shit and I couldn't walk for a week."
I look up and notice a ghost like wall in between the trees behind my grave. I see other mes hand pop out and wave. The rest look at it, confused.
"That's other me!" I exclaim.
I get up and pull them through, "hi me."
"Oh hey, you can talk!" They then show their wings and wrap them selves up, "Oh my Hades, it's cold!"
"How did you know we were here?"
"I could sense you."
They look around at the Night Bloods, "Hello, my name is Damien Callas. Pleasure to meet you all."
Atlas waves, "I'm Atlas, these are Percious, Luther, Altore, Casta and Kin. And then you. As well. But I am Caspiens oldest son. He hates me."
"You are Caspiens son?"
"Okay. Well, I've only met him once. I was raised by humans."
"Lucky you! Caspien is a terrible father."
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
Damien two shrugs, "nothing really, I'm just exploring. Two years and I still have not explored the entire castle."
"Well, I've got to dash, so... ciao!"
They leave and Luther says, "well that was weird."
Altore nods, "very. Anyway, let's go see if we can find some food or something. Or, you know, magic some up. But first, we should really find some shelter. It's getting dark, and looks as if it will snow."
He walks to the closest tree, waves his hand over it and a small round door appears, "who wants to go in first?"
"In the tree?"
"Yes, I just put a whole cabin in there, now get in."
He opens the door and climbs in.
I get in last, and wow, it really is like a cabin. There's a fire place, and big comfy floors, and several other doors.
"There's the bedrooms, theirs only five so some of you will have to pair up." He points to a door, "go.... kill each other for the best one."
Luther grabs my hand, drags me through the door and to the door on the right at the end.
He then pulls me down on to the bed and wraps his arms around me. I hear him snoring after only a few minutes. The bed is soft and fluffy, and big. There's a large wardrobe like door, and then a smaller one probably for the bathroom. There's a desk and a mirror and a comfy looking sofa. Luther nuzzles his face against my back, and it tickles slightly. I feel my eyes become heavy and soon enough, I'm drifting off to sleep...

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